
永远的流行音乐(Music that's always on top)

We all like pop music but what is it? The definition of pop music is flexible. Music that is considered to be pop is constantly changing.


the saying that “one man’s meat is another man’s poison,” is nowhere more applicable than in the world of pop. Perhaps the easiest way to identify pop music is that it always satisfies more people than it poisons.


Music for the masses since the mid-1950s, pop music has been identified as the style of music accessible to the widest audience. This means the music that sells the most copies, draws the largest concert audiences and is played most often on the radio.

自从20世界50年代中期以来,流行音乐就被定义为拥有最广泛大众的音乐类型。由此,这种音乐唱片卖的最多,音乐会上人数最多,在收音机中也最常播放。 Pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows and assimilates elements and ideas from a wide range of other musical styles. Rock, R&B, country, disco, punk, and hip hop are all specific genres of music that have influenced and been incorporated into pop music over the past 50 years.


Music videos and big live shows are often used to get pop stars more exposure in the media. Artists may have stage shows and well-rehearsed dance routines to go along with their music. Many pop tunes are used in dance clubs and sports clubs.

流行歌星通常通过音乐录像和大型现场表演在媒体中曝光。艺术家可能会举办舞台剧,根据音乐精心编排舞蹈动作。舞厅和健身房中也播放很多流行乐曲。 Pop music’s accessibility and wide appeal means the genre is highly-prized among record companies, radio stations and music television channels. This is thanks to pop’s ability to sell lots of records and get high ratings.


永远的流行音乐(Music that's always on top)

We all like pop music but what is it? The definition of pop music is flexible. Music that is considered to be pop is constantly changing.


the saying that “one man’s meat is another man’s poison,” is nowhere more applicable than in the world of pop. Perhaps the easiest way to identify pop music is that it always satisfies more people than it poisons.


Music for the masses since the mid-1950s, pop music has been identified as the style of music accessible to the widest audience. This means the music that sells the most copies, draws the largest concert audiences and is played most often on the radio.

自从20世界50年代中期以来,流行音乐就被定义为拥有最广泛大众的音乐类型。由此,这种音乐唱片卖的最多,音乐会上人数最多,在收音机中也最常播放。 Pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows and assimilates elements and ideas from a wide range of other musical styles. Rock, R&B, country, disco, punk, and hip hop are all specific genres of music that have influenced and been incorporated into pop music over the past 50 years.


Music videos and big live shows are often used to get pop stars more exposure in the media. Artists may have stage shows and well-rehearsed dance routines to go along with their music. Many pop tunes are used in dance clubs and sports clubs.

流行歌星通常通过音乐录像和大型现场表演在媒体中曝光。艺术家可能会举办舞台剧,根据音乐精心编排舞蹈动作。舞厅和健身房中也播放很多流行乐曲。 Pop music’s accessibility and wide appeal means the genre is highly-prized among record companies, radio stations and music television channels. This is thanks to pop’s ability to sell lots of records and get high ratings.




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