上海小学英语 知识点罗列

知 识 点

1) 名词复数形式

直接加s: cars vans bees cows bicycles ……

加es: bus - buses ; box - boxes ; watch - watches ; peach - peaches y 结尾--- 1) 去y 加ies : butterfly-butterflies ; ferry-ferries; cherry-cherries

2) 直接加s: boy- boys, toy-toys

f(e) 结尾--- 1) 去f 加ves: wolf - wolves; leaf – leaves

2) 直接加s: giraffe- giraffes, (roof-roofs)

2) 动词V+ing形式


eating ; drinking ; climbing ; sleeping ; reading ; fighting; singing ; cooking ; flying ; doing ; touching ; crying ; drawing; jumping ; playing


run - running swim - swimming skip - skipping sit - sitting hop-hopping 去e 加ing:

ride- riding; make -making; take-taking; write- writing;

dance - dancing; skate - skating; drive - driving;


can not =can’t I am=I’m You are=You’re They are=They’re He is =He’s She is =She’s It is=It’s We are=We’re

are not=aren’t is not=isn’t do not=don’t

4) 同音词

to- too- two; four- for; sea- see; hear- here; be- bee; by-bye-buy meat-meet; write-right

5) 反义词(一般放在句子中填空)

tall--short big —small long —short rough —smooth

soft —hard black —white on —under hot-cold warm-cool stop-go kind- unkind helpful-unhelpful friendly-unfriendly

6) 同类词(一般放在句子中填空, 要注意单复数, 或ing 形式)

动物: giraffe, snake, elephant, zebra, bear, monkey, dog, fish, wolf

食物:salad, carrot, fish, chicken, banana, soup, meat, hamburger, pizza, noodles, rice 交通工具: bus, minibus, school bus, ferry, ship, MTR, LRT, tram, train, van, bicycle,

颜色: white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black, red, blue, yellow, blue, green

动词:run, skate, hop, skip, ride, fly, play, draw, write, sing, dance, climb, drink, make, 形容词:soft, hard, rough, smooth, tall, short, big, small, fat, thin,

数词: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, twenty

季节: spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter

天气: warm, hot, cool, cold, rainy, sunny, windy, cloudy,

7) 不可数名词 没有复数(用/表示)

grass soup salad fish chicken meat rice bread hair water juice jam

8) 动词搭配

like doing … 喜欢做某事

am/is/are doing … 正在做某事

go doing … 去做某事

can do … 会做某事

Let ’s do … 让我们一起做某事

9) 主格—宾格

I –me you —you he —him she —her it – it

we —us they —them

10) what 句型

It is What colour is it? What is it ? What colour are they? What are they? What is your name? What is your telephone number? What do you like eating?

11) how句型 How old are you? Ho w do you come to school? How many boys come to school by car ? How many+复数

12) where 句型 Where do you live?

13) in on 用法

in H ong K ong in S hanghai in P udong in W an C hai

on H ong K ong I sland on H ainan I sland

14) on by 用法

by bus by car by bicycle

on foot

15) 关于too 和also 替换

I am reading too. = I am also reading.

I can read English books too. = I can also read English books.

I like English too. = I also like English.

He comes to school by MTR too. = He also comes to school by MTR.

16) 关于like eating…喜欢吃一类东西时, 只有两种情况:

1) …like eating +不可数名词(rice, bread, salad,…)

2) …like eating+ 可数名词复数(carrots , bananas , apples , hamburgers …)

17) 关于like+doing 喜欢做某事

like swimming, like riding, like singing, like reading, like skating… ---What do you like doing in winter?

--- I like skating on the ice.

18) 关于否定句

1) be(am, is, are)+ not eg. I am not tall. He isn ’t tall. We aren ’t tall.

2) can+ not eg. He can ’t skate.

3) I don’t like eg. I don ’t like eating carrots.

19) 关于一般疑问句

1) 看到be 动词(am, is, are) , 就把be 动词提前. 注意: I’m, We’re 变Are you…?

2) 看到can, 就把can 提前. 注意: I can, We can变Can you…?

3) 看到like 就把助动词do 提前. 注意: I like, We like变Do you like…?

知 识 点

1) 名词复数形式

直接加s: cars vans bees cows bicycles ……

加es: bus - buses ; box - boxes ; watch - watches ; peach - peaches y 结尾--- 1) 去y 加ies : butterfly-butterflies ; ferry-ferries; cherry-cherries

2) 直接加s: boy- boys, toy-toys

f(e) 结尾--- 1) 去f 加ves: wolf - wolves; leaf – leaves

2) 直接加s: giraffe- giraffes, (roof-roofs)

2) 动词V+ing形式


eating ; drinking ; climbing ; sleeping ; reading ; fighting; singing ; cooking ; flying ; doing ; touching ; crying ; drawing; jumping ; playing


run - running swim - swimming skip - skipping sit - sitting hop-hopping 去e 加ing:

ride- riding; make -making; take-taking; write- writing;

dance - dancing; skate - skating; drive - driving;


can not =can’t I am=I’m You are=You’re They are=They’re He is =He’s She is =She’s It is=It’s We are=We’re

are not=aren’t is not=isn’t do not=don’t

4) 同音词

to- too- two; four- for; sea- see; hear- here; be- bee; by-bye-buy meat-meet; write-right

5) 反义词(一般放在句子中填空)

tall--short big —small long —short rough —smooth

soft —hard black —white on —under hot-cold warm-cool stop-go kind- unkind helpful-unhelpful friendly-unfriendly

6) 同类词(一般放在句子中填空, 要注意单复数, 或ing 形式)

动物: giraffe, snake, elephant, zebra, bear, monkey, dog, fish, wolf

食物:salad, carrot, fish, chicken, banana, soup, meat, hamburger, pizza, noodles, rice 交通工具: bus, minibus, school bus, ferry, ship, MTR, LRT, tram, train, van, bicycle,

颜色: white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black, red, blue, yellow, blue, green

动词:run, skate, hop, skip, ride, fly, play, draw, write, sing, dance, climb, drink, make, 形容词:soft, hard, rough, smooth, tall, short, big, small, fat, thin,

数词: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, twenty

季节: spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter

天气: warm, hot, cool, cold, rainy, sunny, windy, cloudy,

7) 不可数名词 没有复数(用/表示)

grass soup salad fish chicken meat rice bread hair water juice jam

8) 动词搭配

like doing … 喜欢做某事

am/is/are doing … 正在做某事

go doing … 去做某事

can do … 会做某事

Let ’s do … 让我们一起做某事

9) 主格—宾格

I –me you —you he —him she —her it – it

we —us they —them

10) what 句型

It is What colour is it? What is it ? What colour are they? What are they? What is your name? What is your telephone number? What do you like eating?

11) how句型 How old are you? Ho w do you come to school? How many boys come to school by car ? How many+复数

12) where 句型 Where do you live?

13) in on 用法

in H ong K ong in S hanghai in P udong in W an C hai

on H ong K ong I sland on H ainan I sland

14) on by 用法

by bus by car by bicycle

on foot

15) 关于too 和also 替换

I am reading too. = I am also reading.

I can read English books too. = I can also read English books.

I like English too. = I also like English.

He comes to school by MTR too. = He also comes to school by MTR.

16) 关于like eating…喜欢吃一类东西时, 只有两种情况:

1) …like eating +不可数名词(rice, bread, salad,…)

2) …like eating+ 可数名词复数(carrots , bananas , apples , hamburgers …)

17) 关于like+doing 喜欢做某事

like swimming, like riding, like singing, like reading, like skating… ---What do you like doing in winter?

--- I like skating on the ice.

18) 关于否定句

1) be(am, is, are)+ not eg. I am not tall. He isn ’t tall. We aren ’t tall.

2) can+ not eg. He can ’t skate.

3) I don’t like eg. I don ’t like eating carrots.

19) 关于一般疑问句

1) 看到be 动词(am, is, are) , 就把be 动词提前. 注意: I’m, We’re 变Are you…?

2) 看到can, 就把can 提前. 注意: I can, We can变Can you…?

3) 看到like 就把助动词do 提前. 注意: I like, We like变Do you like…?



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