
: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas.

B: You know what a lot of Americans do before they eat Christmas dinner?

A: What do they do?

B: They pray first, hand in hand.

A: Alright! Let's welcome our first performance: HAND IN HAND.

B: That was great.

A: Although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. But there are times when we need private space and time.

B: Escaping from conformity and gaining freedom are important values in life. Introducing our next performance: BREAKING FREE.

YOU MAKE YOU WANT AWAY 是什么啊?。。。。给你跳过啦,真的猜不到埃

A: Ok, everyone is so good! It's time for a little break. We are playing a game.

B: 说game的规则。

A: I hope everyone enjoyed the game just now.

B: You know life is filled with all types of love.

A: You are right. Love is everywhere.

B: Next up is a love song : WHEN THERE WAS ME AND YOU.

A: AWww, that song was very sweet. But you know, love is powerful and sometimes destructive.

B: True, let's hear from our next singer: ALWAYS GETTING OVER YOU to see how he (or she) got over with love. (smile sarcastically)

A: Love is definitely one of the stronger emotions people could have. But you know what else is very important?

B: What is it? Don't tell me it's food.... (this is a joke here)

A: No no no. It's dream. With hope and dream, one can achieve anything. (貌似冥思苦想,陷入深思)

B: OKAY (sarcastically). while he is dreaming, let's get our next performance up: I HAVE A DREAM.

A: Ohh I gueit's time for me to wake up! Did i mia good show?

B: You sure did! But the next one is also great. So, let's welcome our next singer with her song: BIG BIG WORLD.

A: I hope people are not falling asleep like I was. I bet not! The performance was just so great right?

B: Of course. Alright, let's do another game right now.

A: Ok we are back to our show. Next up is a short skit called 孔雀东南飞.

B: Oh that was FUNNY! They really knew how to move the crowd.

A: Yes. Hey Do you like pretty boys?

B: hmm... everyone does right? i mean pretty girls and pretty boys.

A: Well....So do you like me? (装害羞)

B: (smile) i think he is still dreaming. Ok, let's welcome our next singer for : PRETTY BOY.

A: You know we had a lot of people singing today. Do you want to see something different?

B: Sure!

A: Let's welcome XXX bringing for us Magic trick YYY.

B: That was amazing! How did he(or she) do that?

A: I don't know... let's go ask him.

B: HEy hey hey! we are hosting a show here!

A: Oh, right... you know I learned something new today.

B: What is it?

A: How to host a show....

B: It's your first time hosting a show?

A: Yes. I hope I am doing alright.

B: You are doing great! You know everyone should learn something new everyday.

A: Let's welcome our next song: Start of something new. Maybe that will inspire everyone here a little.

B: That was great. And we have another singer up for song EVERYDAY.

A: After the songs. I think people want to listen to something more smooth.

B: Oh I think so. Let's welcome our next performance: THE WING OF LOVE.

A: You know I feel like by talking so much in between performances... we are just grinding time.

B: Wow... you are so good... introducing our next song already.

A: Oh, did I? (装糊涂)

B: Alright, next up is XXX for GRIND TIME.

A: Oh wow... time is already up.

B: Wait wait... I think there is one more.

A: Really? Oh ... wait! There is.

B: Alright. Applause for our last but for sure the best : 下沙.

A: Thank you for coming today. I hope everyone enjoyed the show.

B: Thanks to all the performers. :)

A: :)

: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas.

B: You know what a lot of Americans do before they eat Christmas dinner?

A: What do they do?

B: They pray first, hand in hand.

A: Alright! Let's welcome our first performance: HAND IN HAND.

B: That was great.

A: Although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. But there are times when we need private space and time.

B: Escaping from conformity and gaining freedom are important values in life. Introducing our next performance: BREAKING FREE.

YOU MAKE YOU WANT AWAY 是什么啊?。。。。给你跳过啦,真的猜不到埃

A: Ok, everyone is so good! It's time for a little break. We are playing a game.

B: 说game的规则。

A: I hope everyone enjoyed the game just now.

B: You know life is filled with all types of love.

A: You are right. Love is everywhere.

B: Next up is a love song : WHEN THERE WAS ME AND YOU.

A: AWww, that song was very sweet. But you know, love is powerful and sometimes destructive.

B: True, let's hear from our next singer: ALWAYS GETTING OVER YOU to see how he (or she) got over with love. (smile sarcastically)

A: Love is definitely one of the stronger emotions people could have. But you know what else is very important?

B: What is it? Don't tell me it's food.... (this is a joke here)

A: No no no. It's dream. With hope and dream, one can achieve anything. (貌似冥思苦想,陷入深思)

B: OKAY (sarcastically). while he is dreaming, let's get our next performance up: I HAVE A DREAM.

A: Ohh I gueit's time for me to wake up! Did i mia good show?

B: You sure did! But the next one is also great. So, let's welcome our next singer with her song: BIG BIG WORLD.

A: I hope people are not falling asleep like I was. I bet not! The performance was just so great right?

B: Of course. Alright, let's do another game right now.

A: Ok we are back to our show. Next up is a short skit called 孔雀东南飞.

B: Oh that was FUNNY! They really knew how to move the crowd.

A: Yes. Hey Do you like pretty boys?

B: hmm... everyone does right? i mean pretty girls and pretty boys.

A: Well....So do you like me? (装害羞)

B: (smile) i think he is still dreaming. Ok, let's welcome our next singer for : PRETTY BOY.

A: You know we had a lot of people singing today. Do you want to see something different?

B: Sure!

A: Let's welcome XXX bringing for us Magic trick YYY.

B: That was amazing! How did he(or she) do that?

A: I don't know... let's go ask him.

B: HEy hey hey! we are hosting a show here!

A: Oh, right... you know I learned something new today.

B: What is it?

A: How to host a show....

B: It's your first time hosting a show?

A: Yes. I hope I am doing alright.

B: You are doing great! You know everyone should learn something new everyday.

A: Let's welcome our next song: Start of something new. Maybe that will inspire everyone here a little.

B: That was great. And we have another singer up for song EVERYDAY.

A: After the songs. I think people want to listen to something more smooth.

B: Oh I think so. Let's welcome our next performance: THE WING OF LOVE.

A: You know I feel like by talking so much in between performances... we are just grinding time.

B: Wow... you are so good... introducing our next song already.

A: Oh, did I? (装糊涂)

B: Alright, next up is XXX for GRIND TIME.

A: Oh wow... time is already up.

B: Wait wait... I think there is one more.

A: Really? Oh ... wait! There is.

B: Alright. Applause for our last but for sure the best : 下沙.

A: Thank you for coming today. I hope everyone enjoyed the show.

B: Thanks to all the performers. :)

A: :)



    合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party! Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sk ...


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    甲:踏着圣诞宁静的钟声,我们又迎来了一个祥和的平安夜; 乙:满怀喜悦的心情,我们即将迎来生机勃勃的xx-xx; 合:在这绚丽多姿的日子里,让我们和圣诞老人一起为你们祝福! 合:各位老师,各位同学,寿光世纪学校20xx年圣诞文艺晚会现在开始! ...


    开场辞 主持人:王岩,腾飞,谢文军,徐亚宏,李霄,王欣 六位主持开场词 李:飞向春天,春潮澎湃天地新 岩:飞向春天,春光无限祖国好 徐:飞向春天,春风浩荡山农美 谢:飞向春天,春意盎然师生乐 欣:山东农业大学东校区 飞:山东农业大学东校区 ...


    一. 活动背景 圣诞节对于我院来说是颇为重要的节日.我院以往在北校区每年都会在英语角举办圣诞庆典活动,且每次活动都圆满结束,得到广大师生的一致赞扬.今年作为我院新到南区的第一年,特举办此次英语嘉年华大型双语晚会暨英语角圣诞特别活动,借此展现 ...


    各位来宾,各位朋友,大家晚上好!六月:欢迎各位参加由青岛动力巅峰户外运动俱乐部举办的2xx-xx年度网友,会员,户外运动爱好者颁奖晚会!姐姐:青岛动力巅峰户外运动俱乐部自成立以来,得到了社会各界及各位朋友的大力支持和协作,在此向各位表示衷心 ...


    开始)1A:Hello! Thank you all for giving me the chance to host tonight's Party. First off, I wish you all good luck this 20 ...


    Ok this is interesting. 虽然不知道你要的是什么,大概给你try try. A: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas. ...


    女孩:雪花飞舞,那是跃动的音符。 男孩:钟声悠扬,那是心灵在歌唱。 老师:日历翻起最后一页,牛年的背影渐渐远去;脚步迈向新的征程,虎年的春风叩响心头的风铃。 女孩:辞别旧岁,总有很多感慨,过去的一年,有我们成长的快乐,也有老师、家长付出的艰 ...