
Apple inc.

Content :

1.company background

2.sales strategies

3.sales barriers


1. Company background

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The product was sold in 88 countries and areas. The company has earned 5 billion dollars in 6 months in China. And its product iPhone, iPod have been the youths’ favorate digit tools.

Headquarters: Cupertino, California, U.S.

2. Sales strategies.

1) Brand sales

Apple build a very famous brand for its best-designed digit product. Apple make it a culture that using apple means fashion. So apple has build a large fans who were following apple all the time.

2) Cooperate with Mobile Network Operators

For example, iPhone,Apple choose to cooperate with the local mobile network operators such as At&t in US and China Unicom in China. The consumers could pay no money to get a iPhone only if you sign a contact with the operators for using its network. This expand the marketing channel of selling.

3) More retainers and more authorized store

Apple had decided to build 20 more stores in China by the end of 2012. The more stores, the more sales. As a supply, it also provide online sales services.

4) Hunger sales

Every time when Apple put some new products in sales, it is easily to see long queue in front of the store. And even we were often told it is stockout. However, is it really demand exceeds supply? Or we say that they do it on purpose.

Hunger sales make it a situation that their products would be soon sold out if you don’t buy it. Their products could be focused then.

5) Localization strategy

Staff Localization Product Localization Operation Localization ↓ ↓ ↓

Target markets

Staff Localization

Choose the local employees, each into the company to conduct pre-job training employees, even send member, also should have at least 40 hours of training.

3. Sales barriers

1) political barriers

a) The local government to protect local digit company policy, the policy to

protect greatly limits the foreign competitors.

b) Domestic and foreign political relationship to other countries

2) cultural aspects of barriers

The country's social culture and the management idea of our company is potential conflict.

3) High price

It is seen to us that the product of apple is more expensive than the other brand which would influence the sales volume in less developed country.

4) Competitors :MOTOROLA, HTC, SAMSUNG etc

4. Suggestions

1) Give full play to its own advantages, has the individuality competition

2) According to the diversity 、 Labor ,establish mutual trust, and be good at

communication and harmonious relationship between the organizational culture.

3) Specialized training organization staff of public relation and etiquette,to improve

customer service attitude.

4) Competitors attention According to the specific conditions to develop

competitive strategy. Concerned government dynamic, obtain more optimal measure

Apple inc.

Content :

1.company background

2.sales strategies

3.sales barriers


1. Company background

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The product was sold in 88 countries and areas. The company has earned 5 billion dollars in 6 months in China. And its product iPhone, iPod have been the youths’ favorate digit tools.

Headquarters: Cupertino, California, U.S.

2. Sales strategies.

1) Brand sales

Apple build a very famous brand for its best-designed digit product. Apple make it a culture that using apple means fashion. So apple has build a large fans who were following apple all the time.

2) Cooperate with Mobile Network Operators

For example, iPhone,Apple choose to cooperate with the local mobile network operators such as At&t in US and China Unicom in China. The consumers could pay no money to get a iPhone only if you sign a contact with the operators for using its network. This expand the marketing channel of selling.

3) More retainers and more authorized store

Apple had decided to build 20 more stores in China by the end of 2012. The more stores, the more sales. As a supply, it also provide online sales services.

4) Hunger sales

Every time when Apple put some new products in sales, it is easily to see long queue in front of the store. And even we were often told it is stockout. However, is it really demand exceeds supply? Or we say that they do it on purpose.

Hunger sales make it a situation that their products would be soon sold out if you don’t buy it. Their products could be focused then.

5) Localization strategy

Staff Localization Product Localization Operation Localization ↓ ↓ ↓

Target markets

Staff Localization

Choose the local employees, each into the company to conduct pre-job training employees, even send member, also should have at least 40 hours of training.

3. Sales barriers

1) political barriers

a) The local government to protect local digit company policy, the policy to

protect greatly limits the foreign competitors.

b) Domestic and foreign political relationship to other countries

2) cultural aspects of barriers

The country's social culture and the management idea of our company is potential conflict.

3) High price

It is seen to us that the product of apple is more expensive than the other brand which would influence the sales volume in less developed country.

4) Competitors :MOTOROLA, HTC, SAMSUNG etc

4. Suggestions

1) Give full play to its own advantages, has the individuality competition

2) According to the diversity 、 Labor ,establish mutual trust, and be good at

communication and harmonious relationship between the organizational culture.

3) Specialized training organization staff of public relation and etiquette,to improve

customer service attitude.

4) Competitors attention According to the specific conditions to develop

competitive strategy. Concerned government dynamic, obtain more optimal measure



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