

Survey setting anchor pile construction process

由于受桥桩空间(最低处净空2. 0 m) 及设备本身高度的限制, 复合锚杆桩在施工前, 先开挖2 m

Because of the pile space (the lowest clearance 2 m) and their height limit device, composite bolt pile before construction, the 2 m first excavation

宽、1. 5 m深的基槽(施工完成后回填混凝土, 恢复至原地面高程), 以加大操作空间, 便于施工作业。成孔后竖向锚杆及支撑采用分节连接, 每节长2 m,用接驳器连接, 地面多余钢筋待施工完成后截除。

1.5 m wide, deep trench (after the completion of construction of concrete, restore to the original ground elevation), in order to increase the operating space, convenient construction operation. After the hole of vertical anchor and supported by the section connection, each section of length 2 m, connected by the connector, ground of excess steel to be after the completion of construction of amputation.


http://www.tastjx.com http://www.fangshuidian.com http://www.sdminlejx.cn http://www.taswygl.com 测量放样, 按桩位施工。为了确保锚杆桩的精确定位, 需使用特制的定位器进行定位。

(1) the construction preparation. Do the axis marking and measuring the lofting of the pile position according to the design requirements, according to a pile construction. In order to ensure accurate positioning of anchor pile, require special positioner positioning.

(2)钻机夯进。采用sh-1030钻机(需对其进行局部改造) 冲击、套管跟进成孔。钻机在设计桩位安装就位后, 检查冲击杆是否垂直; 然后用φ150钻头开口3~4m,下φ127mm 套管, 螺旋开挖成孔; 当套管跟进到设计深度后终孔。

(2) into the drill rammer. Using the sh-1030 drilling rig (for local transformation of its impact, follow-up sleeve hole). Rig in the design of pile position after installation, check the impact rod is vertical; then φ 150 bit opening under 3~4m, 127mm casing, spiral excavation hole; when the casing to the designed depth after the final hole


(3) the production and installation of composite bolt.

①复合锚杆制作。先用3根φ20螺纹钢组成一个钢筋笼。另由φ12钢筋围成一个内径30 mm

Production of composite bolt. The first 3 Phi 20 steel is composed of a steel cage. The other by phi 12 steel round into a diameter of 30 mm

的钢筋笼隔离环, 纵向每米1环与钢筋及定位支撑焊接。定位支撑由φ18螺纹钢筋弯成宽40 mm, 高200 mm 的环行。

The reinforcement cage spacer ring, vertical 1 metres per ring and bar and a positioning supporting welding. Positioning is supported by a φ 18 bar bent into a width of 40 mm, 200 mm ring

②采用简易支撑架吊放, 人工配合就位。

Using simple support dipping, artificial.

(4)注浆加固。复合锚杆就位后, 拔出钻孔套管准备注浆。注浆采用3根注浆管, 乳化液泵站每根注浆管出口范围距底端4 m,注浆管直径为20 mm,出浆孔直径为4 mm, 四孔竖向错开150 mm 。注浆管竖向安装时, 第一根注浆管端不封闭, 其他两根管端封闭, 并且第二根注浆管比第一根、第三根短4 m,给第一根管注浆时, 第二根、第

http://www.tastjx.com http://www.fangshuidian.com http://www.sdminlejx.cn http://www.taswygl.com 三根管的出浆孔用浆液隔离塑料胶带粘贴, 防止注浆时封堵出浆孔。注浆采用施压密注浆, 注浆分3次:第1次注浆采用常压注浆, 注浆压力为0. 4~0. 6 mpa,孔口溢浆时结束本次注浆, 水泥浆水灰比为0. 5∶1; 第2次注浆采用中高压注浆, 在第1次注浆完成后10~15 h进行, 注浆压力为1. 0~5mpa,水泥浆水灰比为0. 75∶1; 第3次注浆压力为1. 5~2. 0mpa, 复合土工膜在第2次注浆完成后5~10 h进行, 水泥浆水灰比为0. 75∶1。所有注浆材料采用普通硅酸盐52. 5级水泥。合锚杆桩是利用锚杆技术及其机理而衍生出的一种新的基础加固技术, 以其工艺简单、加固效果好、经济合理等特点。

(4) the grouting reinforcement. Composite anchor in place, pull out the borehole casing for grouting. Grouting adopts 3 grouting pipe, each grouting pipe exports from the bottom of the 4 m, the grouting pipe diameter of 20 mm, a slurry outlet hole diameter of 4 mm, four hole of the vertical staggered 150 mm. The grouting pipe vertical installation, the first root grouting pipe end is not closed, the other two ends closed tube, and the second root grouting pipe than the first root, third short 4 m, to the first tube grouting, second root,

third root canals with plastic tape pulp slurry isolation to prevent hole, grouting and plugging up grouting hole. Pressure Grouting grouting, grouting is divided into 3 times: first times of common pressure grouting, grouting pressure of 0 4~0., 6 MPa, orifice grout when the end of the grouting, grout water cement ratio is 0.5 ∶ 1; second grouting with high pressure grouting in, 10~15 in first h after grouting, grouting pressure 1 0~5mpa, water slurry water-cement ratio of 0.75 ∶ 1; third grouting pressure was 1 5~2. 0mpa, 5~10 in second h after grouting, grout water cement ratio is 0.75 ∶ 1. All the grouting material with ordinary portland cement 52.5 level. Composite anchor pile is a new foundation reinforcement technology using the technology and mechanism of bolt and the derived, with the characteristics of simple process, good reinforcement effect, economic and reasonable.


Survey setting anchor pile construction process

由于受桥桩空间(最低处净空2. 0 m) 及设备本身高度的限制, 复合锚杆桩在施工前, 先开挖2 m

Because of the pile space (the lowest clearance 2 m) and their height limit device, composite bolt pile before construction, the 2 m first excavation

宽、1. 5 m深的基槽(施工完成后回填混凝土, 恢复至原地面高程), 以加大操作空间, 便于施工作业。成孔后竖向锚杆及支撑采用分节连接, 每节长2 m,用接驳器连接, 地面多余钢筋待施工完成后截除。

1.5 m wide, deep trench (after the completion of construction of concrete, restore to the original ground elevation), in order to increase the operating space, convenient construction operation. After the hole of vertical anchor and supported by the section connection, each section of length 2 m, connected by the connector, ground of excess steel to be after the completion of construction of amputation.


http://www.tastjx.com http://www.fangshuidian.com http://www.sdminlejx.cn http://www.taswygl.com 测量放样, 按桩位施工。为了确保锚杆桩的精确定位, 需使用特制的定位器进行定位。

(1) the construction preparation. Do the axis marking and measuring the lofting of the pile position according to the design requirements, according to a pile construction. In order to ensure accurate positioning of anchor pile, require special positioner positioning.

(2)钻机夯进。采用sh-1030钻机(需对其进行局部改造) 冲击、套管跟进成孔。钻机在设计桩位安装就位后, 检查冲击杆是否垂直; 然后用φ150钻头开口3~4m,下φ127mm 套管, 螺旋开挖成孔; 当套管跟进到设计深度后终孔。

(2) into the drill rammer. Using the sh-1030 drilling rig (for local transformation of its impact, follow-up sleeve hole). Rig in the design of pile position after installation, check the impact rod is vertical; then φ 150 bit opening under 3~4m, 127mm casing, spiral excavation hole; when the casing to the designed depth after the final hole


(3) the production and installation of composite bolt.

①复合锚杆制作。先用3根φ20螺纹钢组成一个钢筋笼。另由φ12钢筋围成一个内径30 mm

Production of composite bolt. The first 3 Phi 20 steel is composed of a steel cage. The other by phi 12 steel round into a diameter of 30 mm

的钢筋笼隔离环, 纵向每米1环与钢筋及定位支撑焊接。定位支撑由φ18螺纹钢筋弯成宽40 mm, 高200 mm 的环行。

The reinforcement cage spacer ring, vertical 1 metres per ring and bar and a positioning supporting welding. Positioning is supported by a φ 18 bar bent into a width of 40 mm, 200 mm ring

②采用简易支撑架吊放, 人工配合就位。

Using simple support dipping, artificial.

(4)注浆加固。复合锚杆就位后, 拔出钻孔套管准备注浆。注浆采用3根注浆管, 乳化液泵站每根注浆管出口范围距底端4 m,注浆管直径为20 mm,出浆孔直径为4 mm, 四孔竖向错开150 mm 。注浆管竖向安装时, 第一根注浆管端不封闭, 其他两根管端封闭, 并且第二根注浆管比第一根、第三根短4 m,给第一根管注浆时, 第二根、第

http://www.tastjx.com http://www.fangshuidian.com http://www.sdminlejx.cn http://www.taswygl.com 三根管的出浆孔用浆液隔离塑料胶带粘贴, 防止注浆时封堵出浆孔。注浆采用施压密注浆, 注浆分3次:第1次注浆采用常压注浆, 注浆压力为0. 4~0. 6 mpa,孔口溢浆时结束本次注浆, 水泥浆水灰比为0. 5∶1; 第2次注浆采用中高压注浆, 在第1次注浆完成后10~15 h进行, 注浆压力为1. 0~5mpa,水泥浆水灰比为0. 75∶1; 第3次注浆压力为1. 5~2. 0mpa, 复合土工膜在第2次注浆完成后5~10 h进行, 水泥浆水灰比为0. 75∶1。所有注浆材料采用普通硅酸盐52. 5级水泥。合锚杆桩是利用锚杆技术及其机理而衍生出的一种新的基础加固技术, 以其工艺简单、加固效果好、经济合理等特点。

(4) the grouting reinforcement. Composite anchor in place, pull out the borehole casing for grouting. Grouting adopts 3 grouting pipe, each grouting pipe exports from the bottom of the 4 m, the grouting pipe diameter of 20 mm, a slurry outlet hole diameter of 4 mm, four hole of the vertical staggered 150 mm. The grouting pipe vertical installation, the first root grouting pipe end is not closed, the other two ends closed tube, and the second root grouting pipe than the first root, third short 4 m, to the first tube grouting, second root,

third root canals with plastic tape pulp slurry isolation to prevent hole, grouting and plugging up grouting hole. Pressure Grouting grouting, grouting is divided into 3 times: first times of common pressure grouting, grouting pressure of 0 4~0., 6 MPa, orifice grout when the end of the grouting, grout water cement ratio is 0.5 ∶ 1; second grouting with high pressure grouting in, 10~15 in first h after grouting, grouting pressure 1 0~5mpa, water slurry water-cement ratio of 0.75 ∶ 1; third grouting pressure was 1 5~2. 0mpa, 5~10 in second h after grouting, grout water cement ratio is 0.75 ∶ 1. All the grouting material with ordinary portland cement 52.5 level. Composite anchor pile is a new foundation reinforcement technology using the technology and mechanism of bolt and the derived, with the characteristics of simple process, good reinforcement effect, economic and reasonable.



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