

In three months, we will finish our junior school years and go to a senior school for another new start in life. I hear that the subjects in senior school are more difficult than those in junior school. I don’t know whether I can learn them well. But I will try my best to work hard, so that I can go to a better university.

At the same time, I hope the life in senior school will be different. I can do many things I like after school, such as playing volleyball, playing the guitar and so on. I wish to make more good friends then.

To me, the most important thing is to learn English well because my dream job is to be an English teacher. I will practice my English as much as possible. I hope my dream will come true one day. I believe the life in senior school will be colorful. I look forward to it.


In three months, we will finish our junior school years and go to a senior school for another new start in life. I hear that the subjects in senior school are more difficult than those in junior school. I don’t know whether I can learn them well. But I will try my best to work hard, so that I can go to a better university.

At the same time, I hope the life in senior school will be different. I can do many things I like after school, such as playing volleyball, playing the guitar and so on. I wish to make more good friends then.

To me, the most important thing is to learn English well because my dream job is to be an English teacher. I will practice my English as much as possible. I hope my dream will come true one day. I believe the life in senior school will be colorful. I look forward to it.



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