

The Queen has not attended church on Christmas Day because she is still suffering from a heavy cold.


Buckingham Palace said she was staying indoors to help her recover but added that she would still participate in the family’s Christmas Day celebrations. 白金汉宫称,女王正待在室内以便帮助她恢复,但是她补充道,她仍会参加家庭圣诞庆祝。 Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince Harry and others attended church at the Queen’s Norfolk estate, Sandringham.


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went to church in Berkshire, where they are spending Christmas with the Middletons.

剑桥公爵和公爵夫人都去了伯克希尔教堂,在那里他们和米德尔顿一起度过圣诞节。 Nicholas Witchell, BBC royal correspondent, said the Queen’s absence from the church service - the first time she has missed the service "in many years" - is understood to be a "precautionary measure"

英国广播公司皇家记者尼古拉斯·威切尔(Nicholas Witchell)说,这是多年来女王首次缺席教会服务,这被理解为某种“预防措施”。

Our correspondent said there was "no sense of undue concern" from Buckingham Palace.

BBC 记者说,白金汉宫不必对此过度关注。

BBC reporter Emilia Papadopoulos said about 3,000 people had waited for the royals at Sandringham - some from 06:00 GMT.

BBC 记者艾米利亚·帕帕多普洛斯说,约有3000人在桑德林厄姆等待皇家成员 —— 一些人甚至从格林尼治时间06:00起就在这里。

She said although there was "a lot of disappointment" among the crowds, Prince Charles and Prince Harry had both spoken to people after the service and most had left saying it had been "well worth the wait".


The Queen and Prince Philip began their Christmas break this week one day late, postponing their trip because they were both suffering from colds.


They flew from Buckingham Palace to the Norfolk estate by helicopter on Thursday, having missed a train on Wednesday.


A palace spokesman said: "Her Majesty the Queen will not attend church at Sandringham this morning.The Queen continues to recover from a heavy cold and will stay indoors to assist with her recovery.Her Majesty will participate in the Royal Family Christmas celebrations during the day."



The Queen has not attended church on Christmas Day because she is still suffering from a heavy cold.


Buckingham Palace said she was staying indoors to help her recover but added that she would still participate in the family’s Christmas Day celebrations. 白金汉宫称,女王正待在室内以便帮助她恢复,但是她补充道,她仍会参加家庭圣诞庆祝。 Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince Harry and others attended church at the Queen’s Norfolk estate, Sandringham.


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went to church in Berkshire, where they are spending Christmas with the Middletons.

剑桥公爵和公爵夫人都去了伯克希尔教堂,在那里他们和米德尔顿一起度过圣诞节。 Nicholas Witchell, BBC royal correspondent, said the Queen’s absence from the church service - the first time she has missed the service "in many years" - is understood to be a "precautionary measure"

英国广播公司皇家记者尼古拉斯·威切尔(Nicholas Witchell)说,这是多年来女王首次缺席教会服务,这被理解为某种“预防措施”。

Our correspondent said there was "no sense of undue concern" from Buckingham Palace.

BBC 记者说,白金汉宫不必对此过度关注。

BBC reporter Emilia Papadopoulos said about 3,000 people had waited for the royals at Sandringham - some from 06:00 GMT.

BBC 记者艾米利亚·帕帕多普洛斯说,约有3000人在桑德林厄姆等待皇家成员 —— 一些人甚至从格林尼治时间06:00起就在这里。

She said although there was "a lot of disappointment" among the crowds, Prince Charles and Prince Harry had both spoken to people after the service and most had left saying it had been "well worth the wait".


The Queen and Prince Philip began their Christmas break this week one day late, postponing their trip because they were both suffering from colds.


They flew from Buckingham Palace to the Norfolk estate by helicopter on Thursday, having missed a train on Wednesday.


A palace spokesman said: "Her Majesty the Queen will not attend church at Sandringham this morning.The Queen continues to recover from a heavy cold and will stay indoors to assist with her recovery.Her Majesty will participate in the Royal Family Christmas celebrations during the day."




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