





A.C.5.A.C.B. D.B. D. B. D. B. D. B. D.

B)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 ( )6.His money has ____ ten million dollars, but he is not satisfied.

A.increased C.been increased A.At all C.Before long A.praised C.and praising A.he if felt C.if he felt

B.been come D.come to B.After all D.At present B.praising D.and praise B.he felt if D.if did he feel

( )7.You can't believe him completely.____ he often lies.

( )8.The boss went to see Mr King, ____ him for his work.

( )9.The doctor asked the boy ____ better.

( )10.----You are the world-famous scientist, aren't you?

----You ____ , I think.I am still a student. A.can't be serious C.must be right

B.mustn't be serious D.might be funny

( )11.When the boss ____ in the project ____.

A.came, had been discussed

B.had come, was discussed C.was coming, was discussing D.has come, had discussed

( )12.Since this term he has made ____.

A.much progress C.a lot of progresses A.some C.some of which

the whole morning.

A.think, were C.think, are A.must C.might be A.in which, play C.that, play


A.hold/ Yes, please C.holding/ Yes, please A.in C.for A.became C.changed A.turn over C.go against A.make, hear C.force, to hear A.wouldn't like C.don't want

( )23.----What a beautiful place!

----But ____ a waste. A.it is only C.it used to

B.there is D.there used to be B.to hold/ No, please D.holding/ Of course not B.on D.by B.gone D.kept B.turn down D.go over B.make, heard D.force, hearing B.don't feel like D.don't agree B.have thought, were D.thought, were B.may D.can't be B.which, do D.in that, do B.many progress D.some progresses B.some of them D.of which

( )13.The houses were repaired, ____ had been destroyed in the big fire.

( )14.Hello, John! I never ____ you ____ here.I have been looking for you

( )15.The girl looks pale; she ____ ill.

( )16.They know the important part ____ computers ____ in their lives.

( )17.----Would you mind ____ the books for me?

( )18.They sell eggs ____ the dozen in that country.

( )19.The drink has ____ bad.Why didn't you keep it in the shade?

( )20.If you ____ nature, you'll regret, I think.

( )21.First of all you ____ should your voice ____.

( )22.I ____ following your advice right away.

( )24.----Why didn't you call me?

----I did call you, but I had some difficulty in ____. A.get on C.get through A.like of C.fond of


My wife and I had just finished the 150-mile trip home from our daughter's college.It was the ___(26) time in our lives that she would be gone for any length of ___(27).We wondered how other people had ___(28) it.

Later in bed, I ____(29) the time I started college.My father had driven me, too.My mother had to stay behind to ___(30) the cows from getting into the crops.I, the fourth in a line of brothers, was the first to ___(31) college.

The truck was slow, and I was glad.I didn't want to get to___(32) too soon.I shook___(33) with my father in the truck and he didn't say a word.But I knew he was going to make a little___ (34).He finally said,“I never went to college and _____(35) of your brothers went to college.I can't say don't do this or that, because everything is ___(36) and I don't know what is going to ____(37) , but I think things will work out.When you get a job, be sure to be ___(38) and work hard.”I knew that soon I would be _____(39) in the big town and I would be _____(40) the life.

Then my father brought out the Bible(圣经)that he had _____(41) so often.I knew that he would miss it and I must ____(42) it.He just said,“This can help you _____(43) you will let it.”

When I finished school I took the Bible ____(44) to my father.But he said he wanted me to ___(45) it.

Now, too late, I remember.It would have been so _____(46) to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car.But I didn't.I could give her ____(47) .My father could give me ___(48) a Bible.But I don't really believe now that I gave her half as ______(49) as my father gave me.So the next morning I did up the book and sent it to her.I wrote a _____(50) .“This can help you,”I said,“if you will let it.”


C.very 27.A.while

C.place 28.A.understood

C.thought 29.A.called

C.thought of 30.A.let

C.keep 31.A.take part in

B.last D.happiest B.time D.journey B.stood D.tried B.remembered D.went through B.raise D.feed B.go away to B.getting on D.getting through B.like D.fond

( )25.When the weather is fine they are ____ sitting outside.

C.begin with 32.A.my daughter's college

C.the city 33.A.hands

C.arms 34.A.speech

C.promise 35.A.some

C.none 36.A.meaningful

C.interesting 37.A.happen

C.take in 38.A.lively

C.reasonable 39.A.happy

C.sure 40.A.losing

C.missing 41.A.bought

C.loved 42.A.refuse

C.follow 43.A.if

C.which 44.A.on

C.back 45.A.keep

C.post 46.A.popular

C.ready 47.A.something

C.a book 48.A.only

C.surely 49.A.much

C.far 50.A.word

C.composition Ⅲ.阅读理解。

D.continue with B.my home D.the farm B.heads D.fingers B.living D.progress B.one D.all B.different D.favorite B.end D.break out B.hard D.honest B.alone D.lost B.looking D.thinking B.read D.given B.mark D.take B.unless D.though B.up D.towards B.return D.sell B.strange D.nice B.everything D.a Bible B.really D.very B.many D.good B.speech D.note



There are few experiences quite pleasant as getting a good idea.You've had a problem, you've thought about it till you were tired; you've forgotten it and perhaps slept on it, and then flash! When you weren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer has come to you, as a present from the gods.You're pleased with it, and feel good.It may not be right, but at least you can try it out.

Of course all ideas don't come like that, but the interesting thing is that so many do, particularly the most important ones.They come into the mind, glowing(燃烧)with the heat of creation.

( )51.Getting a good idea is ____.

A.more satisfying than most of the things B.as satisfying as most of the things C.one of the few things in your life

D.the same as a few experiences in your life

( )52.“Slept on it”means ____.

A.continue to sleep for a better settlement B.put the problem unsolved until the next day C.had a good dream about the problem D.found the problem was solved in the dream

( )53.The most important ideas ____.

A.come when you are tired B.are always right C.are pleasing but not good

D.come as if they send out brightness and warmth

( )54.The ideas coming into the mind are worth ____.

A.thinking about C.trying out

B.dreaming D.sleeping on

( )55.What does“so many do”mean in the third paragraph?

A.Interesting ideas always turn out to be true. B.Many ideas often come suddenly. C.Many interesting things happen suddenly.

D.Many important ideas suddenly come from the gods.


King Albert of the Belgians was born in 1875.When he was young he studied engineering and was especially interested in ships and planes.One of his favourite sports was mountain climbing, and it was as a result of falling while out climbing that he died in 1934.He was 59 then.

He is the best remembered by the Belgians for his leadership during World War I, which broke out in 1914, only five years after he came into power.Belgium was

officially neutral(中立)country at the start of the war, but because the Germans could more easily attack(攻击)France by crossing Belgium, they did not care about Belgium's neutrality, and came into it after the beginning of war.Albert realized that his small country had no chance of stopping the German army, but decided that rather than just surrender(投降), the Belgium should fight.Although almost the whole of their country was conquered(攻占), the Belgians, led by their king, continued to fight against the Germans throughout the full four years of the war.King Albert's wife, Queen Elizabeth, also did her best for the country, working in an army hospital.There she did all kinds of work, from sweeping dirty floors to dressing the wounds of wounded soldiers.

( )56.Albert became King of Belgium in ____.

A.1919 C.1909

B.1914 D.1880

( )57.The Germans attacked Belgium because ____.

A.Belgium and Germany had been enemies for many years B.Belgium helped France which was Germany's enemy C.it was easier to conquer Belgium than France D.they wanted to enter France by way of Belgium

( )58.When the war broke out, King Albert was ____.

A.sure of victory and decided to fight on B.not sure of victory but he decided to fight on C.certain of defeat and yet decided to fight on D.not certain of victory and so decided not to fight on

( )59.King Albert's wife ____.

A.was a doctor before she got married B.worked as a nurse after the war

C.was glad to work at anything for her country D.was too rich to do dirty work

( )60.King Albert died ____.

A.in a fighting B.in an accident C.in an army hospital D.in the war against Germany


People within a country do business together.They buy goods, or products from one another and sell products to others.

Different countries do business together, too.One country may buy and bring in things from another country.This is called importing products.The same country may also sell things to another country.This is called exporting products.The Netherlands is a small country better known to us as Holland.It lies in the low country of Europe on the North Sea.

Holland has a steel-making industry which needs iron.This ore(矿石)is found in some parts of the world, but Holland has none.The little country must import it.Ships carry the ore to Holland from places like Canada and Africa.

Holland grows millions of flower bulbs(球茎)every year.The country is famous for these bulbs.Large numbers of tulip(郁金香)bulbs are dug up dried, and exported to many countries.Do you have tulips growing in your garden? Perhaps they are growing from bulbs brought from Holland.

( )61.Holland is a small country on the ____.

A.Pacific Ocean C.North Sea


A.Export C.Business A.ship industry C.trade

B.Import D.Products B.iron ore D.flower bulbs B.low Europe D.Nertherlands

( )62.What word means“to sell and send things to another

( )63.Holland is famous for its ____.

( )64.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Holland is a large country with large numbers of tulip bulbs. B.Holland does not trade with other countries. C.Holland exports iron ore from America and Africa. D.Holland depend on other countries to keep its industry going.

( )65.The passage is about ____.

A.tulip bulbs and Holland B.the low country in Europe C.doing business with Europe D.importing and exporting


Mr Johnson had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane, Mr Johnson was very worried about accepting.Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr Johnson got on the plane.

His friend started the engine and began to taxi(滑行)onto the runway of the airport.Mr Johnson was very frightened and closed his eyes.After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend,“Look at those people down there.They look as small as ants, don't they?”

“Those are ants,”answered his friend.“We're still on the ground.” ( )66.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.First Flight C.First Experience

B.First Accident D.First Trip

( )67.When his friend suggested an airplane trip to Mr Johnson, he ____.

A.accepted gladly B.accepted unwillingly C.refused the offer D.showed his surprise

( )68.When Mr Johnson opened his eyes, the plane ____.

A.was flying in the air

B.was out of order

D.took off

C.was still taxing along the runway A.flying high C.on the ground A.brave and wise C.careful and kind


----Would you do me a favour, Ben? ----____ 71 ____

----Could you lend me five dollars? I'll return it on Tuesday. ----I suppose so----if you are sure you can pay me on Tuesday.

----Of course.____ 72 ____ Would you mind lending me your car tonight? ---- ____ 73 ____ I have to study anyway, so I won't be using it.

----Wonderful! I have one last favor to ask you.I'd appreciate it if I could borrow your blue suit tonight.

----____ 74 ____

----It's in the cleaners.I'm taking Kate to the movie tonight and I want to look good.

----Kate? But she's my girl-friend. ----____ 75 ____ Could I borrow Kate, too? A.Oh, I nearly forgot. B.It depends on what it is. C.What's the matter with yours? D.There's something else, too. E.Yes, please do it. F.Well, I guess not.

G.You may borrow anything I have.



76.The man ordered a TV set in the d____ store.


( )69.Mr Johnson thought he was ____ when he saw the ants.

B.falling out of the plane D.dreaming

B.polite and humourous D.shy and easily frightened

( )70.Mr Johnson seems to be a ____ man.


77.The computer can r____ the owner's voice and recorded his instruction.

78.Since he b____ to that union, he does a lot for it.

82.The family is a ____(社会的)unit.

84.He ____(组织)a lot of conferences in that country. produced.


Light travel at a speed which is about a millions times faster than that of sound. You can get some idea of this different by watching the start of running match.If you stand far away from the starter, and you can see smoke to come from his gun before the sound reaches your ears.The speed of light produces some strange facts.Nearest star is so far away which the light you see from it tonight started to travel from you Ⅵ.书面表达。


lie sick on the bed / a bad cold / a high fever / look after / take one's temperature / not feel like / a bowl of / feed„with / a good girl / like Lei Feng / take a good rest / be all right soon

86.____ 87.____ 88.____ 89.____ 90.____ 91.____ 92.____ 93.____ 94.____ 95.____ 84.____ 85.____

85.With the ____(发展)of the modern industry more and more waste is

78.____ 79.____

80.You have to clean r____ ground to improve soil conditions.

80.____ 81.____ 82.____ 83.____

81.The old man can cut different kinds of ____(形象)from paper.

79.The country has its own government and laws, so it is a s____ country.


83.The river used to ____(淹没)large areas at the same time every year.

4 years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million kilometres every minute.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.B 48.A 49.A 50.D 51.A 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.B 56.C 57.D 58.C 59.C 60.B 61.C 62.A 63.D 64.D 65.D 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.D 71.B 72.D 73.F 74.C 75.A 76.department 77.recognize 78.belongs 79.separate 80.rough 81.figure

82.social 83.flood 84.organized 85.development

86.travel→travels 87.millions→million 88.different→difference 89.of后加a 90.去and 91.去to 92.√ 93.Nearest前加The 94.which→that 95.from→to Ⅳ.Apossible version

Grandma Wang was lying sick on the bed.She caught a bad cold and had a high fever.Li Ping went to look after her.She took her temperature and gave her medicine.As Grandma Wang didn't feel like eating, she cooked her a bowl of egg soup.Then she fed her with it.Grandma Wang was very glad.She took Li Ping's hands and said,“You are really a good girl.You are like Lei Feng.”Li Ping asked Grandma Wang to take a good rest and told her that she would be all right soon.






A.C.5.A.C.B. D.B. D. B. D. B. D. B. D.

B)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 ( )6.His money has ____ ten million dollars, but he is not satisfied.

A.increased C.been increased A.At all C.Before long A.praised C.and praising A.he if felt C.if he felt

B.been come D.come to B.After all D.At present B.praising D.and praise B.he felt if D.if did he feel

( )7.You can't believe him completely.____ he often lies.

( )8.The boss went to see Mr King, ____ him for his work.

( )9.The doctor asked the boy ____ better.

( )10.----You are the world-famous scientist, aren't you?

----You ____ , I think.I am still a student. A.can't be serious C.must be right

B.mustn't be serious D.might be funny

( )11.When the boss ____ in the project ____.

A.came, had been discussed

B.had come, was discussed C.was coming, was discussing D.has come, had discussed

( )12.Since this term he has made ____.

A.much progress C.a lot of progresses A.some C.some of which

the whole morning.

A.think, were C.think, are A.must C.might be A.in which, play C.that, play


A.hold/ Yes, please C.holding/ Yes, please A.in C.for A.became C.changed A.turn over C.go against A.make, hear C.force, to hear A.wouldn't like C.don't want

( )23.----What a beautiful place!

----But ____ a waste. A.it is only C.it used to

B.there is D.there used to be B.to hold/ No, please D.holding/ Of course not B.on D.by B.gone D.kept B.turn down D.go over B.make, heard D.force, hearing B.don't feel like D.don't agree B.have thought, were D.thought, were B.may D.can't be B.which, do D.in that, do B.many progress D.some progresses B.some of them D.of which

( )13.The houses were repaired, ____ had been destroyed in the big fire.

( )14.Hello, John! I never ____ you ____ here.I have been looking for you

( )15.The girl looks pale; she ____ ill.

( )16.They know the important part ____ computers ____ in their lives.

( )17.----Would you mind ____ the books for me?

( )18.They sell eggs ____ the dozen in that country.

( )19.The drink has ____ bad.Why didn't you keep it in the shade?

( )20.If you ____ nature, you'll regret, I think.

( )21.First of all you ____ should your voice ____.

( )22.I ____ following your advice right away.

( )24.----Why didn't you call me?

----I did call you, but I had some difficulty in ____. A.get on C.get through A.like of C.fond of


My wife and I had just finished the 150-mile trip home from our daughter's college.It was the ___(26) time in our lives that she would be gone for any length of ___(27).We wondered how other people had ___(28) it.

Later in bed, I ____(29) the time I started college.My father had driven me, too.My mother had to stay behind to ___(30) the cows from getting into the crops.I, the fourth in a line of brothers, was the first to ___(31) college.

The truck was slow, and I was glad.I didn't want to get to___(32) too soon.I shook___(33) with my father in the truck and he didn't say a word.But I knew he was going to make a little___ (34).He finally said,“I never went to college and _____(35) of your brothers went to college.I can't say don't do this or that, because everything is ___(36) and I don't know what is going to ____(37) , but I think things will work out.When you get a job, be sure to be ___(38) and work hard.”I knew that soon I would be _____(39) in the big town and I would be _____(40) the life.

Then my father brought out the Bible(圣经)that he had _____(41) so often.I knew that he would miss it and I must ____(42) it.He just said,“This can help you _____(43) you will let it.”

When I finished school I took the Bible ____(44) to my father.But he said he wanted me to ___(45) it.

Now, too late, I remember.It would have been so _____(46) to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car.But I didn't.I could give her ____(47) .My father could give me ___(48) a Bible.But I don't really believe now that I gave her half as ______(49) as my father gave me.So the next morning I did up the book and sent it to her.I wrote a _____(50) .“This can help you,”I said,“if you will let it.”


C.very 27.A.while

C.place 28.A.understood

C.thought 29.A.called

C.thought of 30.A.let

C.keep 31.A.take part in

B.last D.happiest B.time D.journey B.stood D.tried B.remembered D.went through B.raise D.feed B.go away to B.getting on D.getting through B.like D.fond

( )25.When the weather is fine they are ____ sitting outside.

C.begin with 32.A.my daughter's college

C.the city 33.A.hands

C.arms 34.A.speech

C.promise 35.A.some

C.none 36.A.meaningful

C.interesting 37.A.happen

C.take in 38.A.lively

C.reasonable 39.A.happy

C.sure 40.A.losing

C.missing 41.A.bought

C.loved 42.A.refuse

C.follow 43.A.if

C.which 44.A.on

C.back 45.A.keep

C.post 46.A.popular

C.ready 47.A.something

C.a book 48.A.only

C.surely 49.A.much

C.far 50.A.word

C.composition Ⅲ.阅读理解。

D.continue with B.my home D.the farm B.heads D.fingers B.living D.progress B.one D.all B.different D.favorite B.end D.break out B.hard D.honest B.alone D.lost B.looking D.thinking B.read D.given B.mark D.take B.unless D.though B.up D.towards B.return D.sell B.strange D.nice B.everything D.a Bible B.really D.very B.many D.good B.speech D.note



There are few experiences quite pleasant as getting a good idea.You've had a problem, you've thought about it till you were tired; you've forgotten it and perhaps slept on it, and then flash! When you weren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer has come to you, as a present from the gods.You're pleased with it, and feel good.It may not be right, but at least you can try it out.

Of course all ideas don't come like that, but the interesting thing is that so many do, particularly the most important ones.They come into the mind, glowing(燃烧)with the heat of creation.

( )51.Getting a good idea is ____.

A.more satisfying than most of the things B.as satisfying as most of the things C.one of the few things in your life

D.the same as a few experiences in your life

( )52.“Slept on it”means ____.

A.continue to sleep for a better settlement B.put the problem unsolved until the next day C.had a good dream about the problem D.found the problem was solved in the dream

( )53.The most important ideas ____.

A.come when you are tired B.are always right C.are pleasing but not good

D.come as if they send out brightness and warmth

( )54.The ideas coming into the mind are worth ____.

A.thinking about C.trying out

B.dreaming D.sleeping on

( )55.What does“so many do”mean in the third paragraph?

A.Interesting ideas always turn out to be true. B.Many ideas often come suddenly. C.Many interesting things happen suddenly.

D.Many important ideas suddenly come from the gods.


King Albert of the Belgians was born in 1875.When he was young he studied engineering and was especially interested in ships and planes.One of his favourite sports was mountain climbing, and it was as a result of falling while out climbing that he died in 1934.He was 59 then.

He is the best remembered by the Belgians for his leadership during World War I, which broke out in 1914, only five years after he came into power.Belgium was

officially neutral(中立)country at the start of the war, but because the Germans could more easily attack(攻击)France by crossing Belgium, they did not care about Belgium's neutrality, and came into it after the beginning of war.Albert realized that his small country had no chance of stopping the German army, but decided that rather than just surrender(投降), the Belgium should fight.Although almost the whole of their country was conquered(攻占), the Belgians, led by their king, continued to fight against the Germans throughout the full four years of the war.King Albert's wife, Queen Elizabeth, also did her best for the country, working in an army hospital.There she did all kinds of work, from sweeping dirty floors to dressing the wounds of wounded soldiers.

( )56.Albert became King of Belgium in ____.

A.1919 C.1909

B.1914 D.1880

( )57.The Germans attacked Belgium because ____.

A.Belgium and Germany had been enemies for many years B.Belgium helped France which was Germany's enemy C.it was easier to conquer Belgium than France D.they wanted to enter France by way of Belgium

( )58.When the war broke out, King Albert was ____.

A.sure of victory and decided to fight on B.not sure of victory but he decided to fight on C.certain of defeat and yet decided to fight on D.not certain of victory and so decided not to fight on

( )59.King Albert's wife ____.

A.was a doctor before she got married B.worked as a nurse after the war

C.was glad to work at anything for her country D.was too rich to do dirty work

( )60.King Albert died ____.

A.in a fighting B.in an accident C.in an army hospital D.in the war against Germany


People within a country do business together.They buy goods, or products from one another and sell products to others.

Different countries do business together, too.One country may buy and bring in things from another country.This is called importing products.The same country may also sell things to another country.This is called exporting products.The Netherlands is a small country better known to us as Holland.It lies in the low country of Europe on the North Sea.

Holland has a steel-making industry which needs iron.This ore(矿石)is found in some parts of the world, but Holland has none.The little country must import it.Ships carry the ore to Holland from places like Canada and Africa.

Holland grows millions of flower bulbs(球茎)every year.The country is famous for these bulbs.Large numbers of tulip(郁金香)bulbs are dug up dried, and exported to many countries.Do you have tulips growing in your garden? Perhaps they are growing from bulbs brought from Holland.

( )61.Holland is a small country on the ____.

A.Pacific Ocean C.North Sea


A.Export C.Business A.ship industry C.trade

B.Import D.Products B.iron ore D.flower bulbs B.low Europe D.Nertherlands

( )62.What word means“to sell and send things to another

( )63.Holland is famous for its ____.

( )64.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Holland is a large country with large numbers of tulip bulbs. B.Holland does not trade with other countries. C.Holland exports iron ore from America and Africa. D.Holland depend on other countries to keep its industry going.

( )65.The passage is about ____.

A.tulip bulbs and Holland B.the low country in Europe C.doing business with Europe D.importing and exporting


Mr Johnson had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane, Mr Johnson was very worried about accepting.Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr Johnson got on the plane.

His friend started the engine and began to taxi(滑行)onto the runway of the airport.Mr Johnson was very frightened and closed his eyes.After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend,“Look at those people down there.They look as small as ants, don't they?”

“Those are ants,”answered his friend.“We're still on the ground.” ( )66.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.First Flight C.First Experience

B.First Accident D.First Trip

( )67.When his friend suggested an airplane trip to Mr Johnson, he ____.

A.accepted gladly B.accepted unwillingly C.refused the offer D.showed his surprise

( )68.When Mr Johnson opened his eyes, the plane ____.

A.was flying in the air

B.was out of order

D.took off

C.was still taxing along the runway A.flying high C.on the ground A.brave and wise C.careful and kind


----Would you do me a favour, Ben? ----____ 71 ____

----Could you lend me five dollars? I'll return it on Tuesday. ----I suppose so----if you are sure you can pay me on Tuesday.

----Of course.____ 72 ____ Would you mind lending me your car tonight? ---- ____ 73 ____ I have to study anyway, so I won't be using it.

----Wonderful! I have one last favor to ask you.I'd appreciate it if I could borrow your blue suit tonight.

----____ 74 ____

----It's in the cleaners.I'm taking Kate to the movie tonight and I want to look good.

----Kate? But she's my girl-friend. ----____ 75 ____ Could I borrow Kate, too? A.Oh, I nearly forgot. B.It depends on what it is. C.What's the matter with yours? D.There's something else, too. E.Yes, please do it. F.Well, I guess not.

G.You may borrow anything I have.



76.The man ordered a TV set in the d____ store.


( )69.Mr Johnson thought he was ____ when he saw the ants.

B.falling out of the plane D.dreaming

B.polite and humourous D.shy and easily frightened

( )70.Mr Johnson seems to be a ____ man.


77.The computer can r____ the owner's voice and recorded his instruction.

78.Since he b____ to that union, he does a lot for it.

82.The family is a ____(社会的)unit.

84.He ____(组织)a lot of conferences in that country. produced.


Light travel at a speed which is about a millions times faster than that of sound. You can get some idea of this different by watching the start of running match.If you stand far away from the starter, and you can see smoke to come from his gun before the sound reaches your ears.The speed of light produces some strange facts.Nearest star is so far away which the light you see from it tonight started to travel from you Ⅵ.书面表达。


lie sick on the bed / a bad cold / a high fever / look after / take one's temperature / not feel like / a bowl of / feed„with / a good girl / like Lei Feng / take a good rest / be all right soon

86.____ 87.____ 88.____ 89.____ 90.____ 91.____ 92.____ 93.____ 94.____ 95.____ 84.____ 85.____

85.With the ____(发展)of the modern industry more and more waste is

78.____ 79.____

80.You have to clean r____ ground to improve soil conditions.

80.____ 81.____ 82.____ 83.____

81.The old man can cut different kinds of ____(形象)from paper.

79.The country has its own government and laws, so it is a s____ country.


83.The river used to ____(淹没)large areas at the same time every year.

4 years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million kilometres every minute.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.B 48.A 49.A 50.D 51.A 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.B 56.C 57.D 58.C 59.C 60.B 61.C 62.A 63.D 64.D 65.D 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.D 71.B 72.D 73.F 74.C 75.A 76.department 77.recognize 78.belongs 79.separate 80.rough 81.figure

82.social 83.flood 84.organized 85.development

86.travel→travels 87.millions→million 88.different→difference 89.of后加a 90.去and 91.去to 92.√ 93.Nearest前加The 94.which→that 95.from→to Ⅳ.Apossible version

Grandma Wang was lying sick on the bed.She caught a bad cold and had a high fever.Li Ping went to look after her.She took her temperature and gave her medicine.As Grandma Wang didn't feel like eating, she cooked her a bowl of egg soup.Then she fed her with it.Grandma Wang was very glad.She took Li Ping's hands and said,“You are really a good girl.You are like Lei Feng.”Li Ping asked Grandma Wang to take a good rest and told her that she would be all right soon.



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