
Report of

Snow White

Group members:




1.Downloading the movie SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN

2.Finding out difference between movie and novel

3.Finishing the word


1.Arranging tasks

2.Finding out same points





Snow White is written by the brothers , Grimm Jacob and Grimm Wilhelm. The two brothers were born in a family of lawyer. The brothers are devoted themselves to gathering, tidying and studying the folk fairy tale. That made both of them becoming the statisticians and experts on

folklore. Snow White is a fairy tale from one of the famous literary works of the two brothers, Grimm's Fairy Tales. The story is about a princess. She is not only beautiful with white skin, and long black hair, but also she is very kind. Her parents named her Snow White. They lived happily, but something bad happened to her. Her mother passed away. Her father, the king married a beautiful but jealous witch, she was jealous of the elegance and beauty of Snow White so that she tried hard killing Snow White. Thus, Snow White was forced to live in the forest, and then encountered the seven dwarfs and they were

leading a happy life. But the stepmother found Snow White still alive, she was annoyed and killed Snow White with all kinds of witchcraft but she failed. With the help of the seven dwarfs, the Snow White escaped the curse of the stepmother and married the kind, handsome prince and lived a cheerful life. The stepmother was so envious that she died.


As we all know, there are many differences between the fairy tale and the movie. Because they are two different forms of expression, one used flowing words, while the other use vivid plots. They both conveyed the theme: we should be kind instead of evil, if someone over envied others and did terrible things to them, he would be punished by god. Through the movie and fairy tale, I think each of them has advantages and

disadvantages ,the fairy tale gives reader more space to think what happened next and then the readers will resonate to the fairy tale, but sometimes it seems tiring and boring. While the movie is more vivid and attractive, it is

difficult for reader to elicit thinking. So if we want to comprehend a literature better, we can watch the movie to get the general idea and then read up the original work carefully. Maybe in different period, it is a right decision to choice

the proper form of the literature. For example, when we are energetic, we can read the original work, but we can watch movie instead when we are tired.


There are some similarities between the book and the movie.

First of all, it is a story about Snow White who is the princess of the country. Her mother prays that she will be the beautiful girl and her father gives her the name Snow White. The princess is very beautiful, kind and very merciful to the world. She goes to the dark forests because of the ugly queen. What’s more, the queen is the woman who is very care about his appearance and she wants to be the most beautiful person in the world. So, she is jealous of the princess and wants her to die to keep her beauty. Last but not least, the book and the movie are aimed at expressing the

quality of kindness, love and mercy. If you keep a heart with great love and mercy, the world will not hurt you. Just like the princess in the dark forests, the monsters there don’t hurt her because of her kindness. And the people who support the fairness will help you too. And it also tells us that the evil can’t conquer the good.


1.Where did the queen come from?

The novel has little introduction of the queen. According to the movie, the queen came from a clan. Her families were killed by conquerors except her and her brother. She had taken a kind of drug which can keep her young forever and she had become a witch. But the noble blood could cancel the drug ’s curses. She made use of her beauty to conquer other countries for revenging.

2.What ’s the matter with the king?

I can’t find the description of the king in the novel. In movie, the queen killed the king who is the princess Snow White ’s father. It makes up the lacking of that why the king ignores his daughter.

3.Why the queen must kill Snow White?

The movie provides a more enough reason than novel. It was believed that the queen was afraid of losing her power in the movie. But in novel, the queen just wants to be the most beautiful woman.

4.Who bring Snow White back to life?

In novel, she came to life because of the kiss from a prince. But the huntsman revived her by his kiss in movie.

5.What is the ending?

In movie, Snow White killed the queen and be a new queen. But the novels told me that Snow White lived a happy life with the prince.

Report of

Snow White

Group members:




1.Downloading the movie SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN

2.Finding out difference between movie and novel

3.Finishing the word


1.Arranging tasks

2.Finding out same points





Snow White is written by the brothers , Grimm Jacob and Grimm Wilhelm. The two brothers were born in a family of lawyer. The brothers are devoted themselves to gathering, tidying and studying the folk fairy tale. That made both of them becoming the statisticians and experts on

folklore. Snow White is a fairy tale from one of the famous literary works of the two brothers, Grimm's Fairy Tales. The story is about a princess. She is not only beautiful with white skin, and long black hair, but also she is very kind. Her parents named her Snow White. They lived happily, but something bad happened to her. Her mother passed away. Her father, the king married a beautiful but jealous witch, she was jealous of the elegance and beauty of Snow White so that she tried hard killing Snow White. Thus, Snow White was forced to live in the forest, and then encountered the seven dwarfs and they were

leading a happy life. But the stepmother found Snow White still alive, she was annoyed and killed Snow White with all kinds of witchcraft but she failed. With the help of the seven dwarfs, the Snow White escaped the curse of the stepmother and married the kind, handsome prince and lived a cheerful life. The stepmother was so envious that she died.


As we all know, there are many differences between the fairy tale and the movie. Because they are two different forms of expression, one used flowing words, while the other use vivid plots. They both conveyed the theme: we should be kind instead of evil, if someone over envied others and did terrible things to them, he would be punished by god. Through the movie and fairy tale, I think each of them has advantages and

disadvantages ,the fairy tale gives reader more space to think what happened next and then the readers will resonate to the fairy tale, but sometimes it seems tiring and boring. While the movie is more vivid and attractive, it is

difficult for reader to elicit thinking. So if we want to comprehend a literature better, we can watch the movie to get the general idea and then read up the original work carefully. Maybe in different period, it is a right decision to choice

the proper form of the literature. For example, when we are energetic, we can read the original work, but we can watch movie instead when we are tired.


There are some similarities between the book and the movie.

First of all, it is a story about Snow White who is the princess of the country. Her mother prays that she will be the beautiful girl and her father gives her the name Snow White. The princess is very beautiful, kind and very merciful to the world. She goes to the dark forests because of the ugly queen. What’s more, the queen is the woman who is very care about his appearance and she wants to be the most beautiful person in the world. So, she is jealous of the princess and wants her to die to keep her beauty. Last but not least, the book and the movie are aimed at expressing the

quality of kindness, love and mercy. If you keep a heart with great love and mercy, the world will not hurt you. Just like the princess in the dark forests, the monsters there don’t hurt her because of her kindness. And the people who support the fairness will help you too. And it also tells us that the evil can’t conquer the good.


1.Where did the queen come from?

The novel has little introduction of the queen. According to the movie, the queen came from a clan. Her families were killed by conquerors except her and her brother. She had taken a kind of drug which can keep her young forever and she had become a witch. But the noble blood could cancel the drug ’s curses. She made use of her beauty to conquer other countries for revenging.

2.What ’s the matter with the king?

I can’t find the description of the king in the novel. In movie, the queen killed the king who is the princess Snow White ’s father. It makes up the lacking of that why the king ignores his daughter.

3.Why the queen must kill Snow White?

The movie provides a more enough reason than novel. It was believed that the queen was afraid of losing her power in the movie. But in novel, the queen just wants to be the most beautiful woman.

4.Who bring Snow White back to life?

In novel, she came to life because of the kiss from a prince. But the huntsman revived her by his kiss in movie.

5.What is the ending?

In movie, Snow White killed the queen and be a new queen. But the novels told me that Snow White lived a happy life with the prince.



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