
为了缓解中小企业融资难和规范民间借贷市场,2009―2010年河南省批准设立了一大批投资担保公司,使得投资担保公司的数量呈爆发式增长,达到1 600余家,位居全国前列















5.项目管理不规范,违规作业难以避免。公司项目管理不规范,就难以避免在作业过程中违规操作,出现人情担保或关系担保,最后导致公司蒙受损失。这种损失不仅会削弱公司的资金实力,进而影响履约能力,还会给担保公司的可持续经营带来极大的风险。 6.内部审计缺失,加大企业管理风险。内部审计缺失,就会使得企业无法及时了解经营中的高风险所在,无法辨别和评估重大风险,无法通过查错纠弊、揭露企业经营活动中的控制薄弱环节、揭示风险概率较大的关键控制点等活动,提出改进建议,达到企业的自我制约、自我改善、自我发展和自我积累。内部审计缺失,也就无法找出管理上的问题,无法与被审计对象共同分析错误和问题的实际及潜在影响,无法挖掘管理潜力,无法实现人力、物力和财力的最合理配置。









In order to alleviate the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises and regulate private lending market, 2009 - 2010 in Henan Province approved the establishment of a large number of Investment Guarantee Corporation, making number of Investment Guarantee

Corporation was the explosive growth, reached more than 1 600, among the nation's [1]. Lower the threshold and the number of surge, making investment guarantee market a series of problems appeared corporate governance structure is not perfect, the lack of have the operation and risk control ability of professional personnel, all kinds of rules and regulations is not perfect, the excess guarantee, which need to be normalized and corrected.

First, the Henan Province Investment Guarantee Industry Development Problems in X

1 organizational structure is not reasonable. From the point of view of the current organizational structure of the investment & guaranty industry in Henan Province, mainly exist in the following problems: one is the lack of the project review committee; the second is without internal audit departments; the third is the vice manager, deputy general manager and key sectors of the vacancy. These problems cause the company's vertical rights and obligations are not reasonable, horizontal coordination and checks and balances mechanism is not perfect, the power and responsibility is not clear, management confusion.

2 company management system is not perfect. The survey found that many companies in the security business management system, compensation system, financial management system, risk control and other aspects of the management approach to varying degrees of lack. Some of the company's system of mechanically, that are not suitable for the specific situation and the development of the company; some system is not perfect, to be added; some system in terms of simple, needs to be refined; some terms are not clear enough, is easy to implement; also some system in the actual work had no implementation.

3 corporate financial management is not standardized. Investment Guarantee Corporation's business involves a large amount of money, from the project investigation, screening, to ensure that the risk control of the whole process of monitoring and control are closely related to financial management. Survey found that the number of guarantee company, financial department direct superior is the general manager, the lack of deputy general manager in charge of finance, it is difficult to form an effective hierarchy of authority; the authority of financial manager excessive,www.gpsdvd.cn www.road5.net job responsibilities and other functional departments of the serious cross, resulting in confusion in the management of the company. Also some confusion in the accounts, financial statements are not standardized in safekeeping, bill. These phenomena have hidden dangers for the long-term sustainable development of the company.

4 company risk control needs to be strengthened. Investment Guarantee Corporation of Henan Province in the risk control link mainly has the following problems: one is the risk control department useless, fewer personnel, professional quality is not high, professional ability is not strong, even to the security industry is not enough to understand; the second is in carrying out the guarantee business, due diligence to guarantee that the applicant is not in place; the third is the guarantee project examination and approval procedures are not standardized; the fourth is was secured to the monitoring ineffective; the fifth is to risk control system is not perfect, risk control is not professional, guarantee business processes are not standardized; six is financial management in the aspects of risk control is just exploration work, the lack of theory and system support.

5 company project management needs to be standardized. In project management, the first is the in-depth survey project, project inspection results did not form a written report of the project, only in the form of oral reports to the general manager and the chairman of the board of

directors; the second is no formal project review committee, project review is not strictly review flow process and written materials, are meeting to discuss, eventually to the borrower provides only guarantee the chairman or general manager of the decision.

6 lack of internal audit of the company. Survey found, most of the security company internal audit job loss has yet to carry out internal audit work, vouchers, statements of the audit only by financial manager is responsible for; and financial managers are responsible for many items, review of the work do and not careful enough, so the internal audit almost is a blank.

Two, risk analysis

1 organizational structure is not reasonable, the impact of the company's healthy and sustainable development. Appropriate and efficient organizational structure can maximize the release of enterprise www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net www.all-mec.com energy, so that the organization to better play a synergistic effect. Organizational structure design is not scientific, unreasonable, it is difficult to achieve the company's development goals. Internal organization establishment is scientific, unreasonable allocation of responsibilities, lead to organizational overlapping, overlapping functions or deletion, buck passing, inefficient operation. Company's major business simply by the chairman of the board of directors or the general manager and a few other people clappers decision, there will inevitably be human security, guarantees and other illegal operations, general manager of the upper manages busy specific affairs, scattered its macro - to - business strategy management and deployment.

2 management system is not perfect, the impact of the steady development of the company's norms. Management system is the management means to ensure the steady development of the company and the company to achieve the desired objectives. Therefore, all aspects of the management system should not only have, but also with the company's development background, development goals and management mechanisms to adapt. Company management can not rely on a small number of people's behavior or will, it should follow the principle of system construction, through the management system to regulate the behavior of each department and each employee. To financial management system as an example, a perfect financial management system, each financial officers will be able to pigeon holing their responsibilities, and actively take the initiative to put to work; without appropriate financial management system, financial personnel every day need wait for superior schedule and instructions to work, not only a waste of time, but also affect the employees to take the initiative and creativity of the play.

3 financial management is not standardized, unable to provide decision-making support for enterprise management. Financial management confusion, lack of financial budget, financial analysis and financial early warning, you can not play the financial management of the job.

为了缓解中小企业融资难和规范民间借贷市场,2009―2010年河南省批准设立了一大批投资担保公司,使得投资担保公司的数量呈爆发式增长,达到1 600余家,位居全国前列















5.项目管理不规范,违规作业难以避免。公司项目管理不规范,就难以避免在作业过程中违规操作,出现人情担保或关系担保,最后导致公司蒙受损失。这种损失不仅会削弱公司的资金实力,进而影响履约能力,还会给担保公司的可持续经营带来极大的风险。 6.内部审计缺失,加大企业管理风险。内部审计缺失,就会使得企业无法及时了解经营中的高风险所在,无法辨别和评估重大风险,无法通过查错纠弊、揭露企业经营活动中的控制薄弱环节、揭示风险概率较大的关键控制点等活动,提出改进建议,达到企业的自我制约、自我改善、自我发展和自我积累。内部审计缺失,也就无法找出管理上的问题,无法与被审计对象共同分析错误和问题的实际及潜在影响,无法挖掘管理潜力,无法实现人力、物力和财力的最合理配置。









In order to alleviate the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises and regulate private lending market, 2009 - 2010 in Henan Province approved the establishment of a large number of Investment Guarantee Corporation, making number of Investment Guarantee

Corporation was the explosive growth, reached more than 1 600, among the nation's [1]. Lower the threshold and the number of surge, making investment guarantee market a series of problems appeared corporate governance structure is not perfect, the lack of have the operation and risk control ability of professional personnel, all kinds of rules and regulations is not perfect, the excess guarantee, which need to be normalized and corrected.

First, the Henan Province Investment Guarantee Industry Development Problems in X

1 organizational structure is not reasonable. From the point of view of the current organizational structure of the investment & guaranty industry in Henan Province, mainly exist in the following problems: one is the lack of the project review committee; the second is without internal audit departments; the third is the vice manager, deputy general manager and key sectors of the vacancy. These problems cause the company's vertical rights and obligations are not reasonable, horizontal coordination and checks and balances mechanism is not perfect, the power and responsibility is not clear, management confusion.

2 company management system is not perfect. The survey found that many companies in the security business management system, compensation system, financial management system, risk control and other aspects of the management approach to varying degrees of lack. Some of the company's system of mechanically, that are not suitable for the specific situation and the development of the company; some system is not perfect, to be added; some system in terms of simple, needs to be refined; some terms are not clear enough, is easy to implement; also some system in the actual work had no implementation.

3 corporate financial management is not standardized. Investment Guarantee Corporation's business involves a large amount of money, from the project investigation, screening, to ensure that the risk control of the whole process of monitoring and control are closely related to financial management. Survey found that the number of guarantee company, financial department direct superior is the general manager, the lack of deputy general manager in charge of finance, it is difficult to form an effective hierarchy of authority; the authority of financial manager excessive,www.gpsdvd.cn www.road5.net job responsibilities and other functional departments of the serious cross, resulting in confusion in the management of the company. Also some confusion in the accounts, financial statements are not standardized in safekeeping, bill. These phenomena have hidden dangers for the long-term sustainable development of the company.

4 company risk control needs to be strengthened. Investment Guarantee Corporation of Henan Province in the risk control link mainly has the following problems: one is the risk control department useless, fewer personnel, professional quality is not high, professional ability is not strong, even to the security industry is not enough to understand; the second is in carrying out the guarantee business, due diligence to guarantee that the applicant is not in place; the third is the guarantee project examination and approval procedures are not standardized; the fourth is was secured to the monitoring ineffective; the fifth is to risk control system is not perfect, risk control is not professional, guarantee business processes are not standardized; six is financial management in the aspects of risk control is just exploration work, the lack of theory and system support.

5 company project management needs to be standardized. In project management, the first is the in-depth survey project, project inspection results did not form a written report of the project, only in the form of oral reports to the general manager and the chairman of the board of

directors; the second is no formal project review committee, project review is not strictly review flow process and written materials, are meeting to discuss, eventually to the borrower provides only guarantee the chairman or general manager of the decision.

6 lack of internal audit of the company. Survey found, most of the security company internal audit job loss has yet to carry out internal audit work, vouchers, statements of the audit only by financial manager is responsible for; and financial managers are responsible for many items, review of the work do and not careful enough, so the internal audit almost is a blank.

Two, risk analysis

1 organizational structure is not reasonable, the impact of the company's healthy and sustainable development. Appropriate and efficient organizational structure can maximize the release of enterprise www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net www.all-mec.com energy, so that the organization to better play a synergistic effect. Organizational structure design is not scientific, unreasonable, it is difficult to achieve the company's development goals. Internal organization establishment is scientific, unreasonable allocation of responsibilities, lead to organizational overlapping, overlapping functions or deletion, buck passing, inefficient operation. Company's major business simply by the chairman of the board of directors or the general manager and a few other people clappers decision, there will inevitably be human security, guarantees and other illegal operations, general manager of the upper manages busy specific affairs, scattered its macro - to - business strategy management and deployment.

2 management system is not perfect, the impact of the steady development of the company's norms. Management system is the management means to ensure the steady development of the company and the company to achieve the desired objectives. Therefore, all aspects of the management system should not only have, but also with the company's development background, development goals and management mechanisms to adapt. Company management can not rely on a small number of people's behavior or will, it should follow the principle of system construction, through the management system to regulate the behavior of each department and each employee. To financial management system as an example, a perfect financial management system, each financial officers will be able to pigeon holing their responsibilities, and actively take the initiative to put to work; without appropriate financial management system, financial personnel every day need wait for superior schedule and instructions to work, not only a waste of time, but also affect the employees to take the initiative and creativity of the play.

3 financial management is not standardized, unable to provide decision-making support for enterprise management. Financial management confusion, lack of financial budget, financial analysis and financial early warning, you can not play the financial management of the job.



    六.毕业论文选题参考(下列题目为综合参考题目,同学们可据此自行拟定论文题目,凡涉及本专业及相关的内容均可) 1.农村金融发展对农村经济增长的影响 2.浅析我国商业银行个人信贷业务的潜在风险 3.我国商业银行个人理财业务发展状况研究 4.农户 ...


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