




英语满分写作模板4 应用文——建议信



(1)My name is... Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. I shall be speaking about... 我是…… 今天我很高兴能有机会作这个演讲。我演讲的内容是……

(2)Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to share with you my opinions on... 大家上午好!我很荣幸能和你们分享一下关于……的我的看法。

(3)It's my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about...我很荣幸能在这里/能有机会谈论一下关于……

(4)The topic of my speech is ... 我演讲的主题是……

(5)I'll divide this topic into five main aspects. 我将分5个主要方面谈论这个主题。

(6)By way of conclusion, I'd like to quote what Newton once said. 我想借用牛顿曾经说过的话来结束我今天的发言。

(7)I would like to concentrate on the problem of... 我想把重点集中在……问题上。

(8)I hope I have made myself understood.我希望我说的大家都听明白了。

(9)That's all I want to say about this point. 关于这一点,我就讲这些。

(10)Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. 我从心底感谢你们今天给了我这个机会与你们讲话。



Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone,

It's so nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have the opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech on/about.../It's a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is ________./Today I will talk about ________. /It's nice to talk/speak about...(演讲主题) First of all, ________. Besides, ________. Last but not least, ________./To begin with, ________. Secondly, ________. What's more, ________. (具体内容)

As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, ________. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that ________. Thanks for your attention/listening.(总结演讲)


My dear fellows,

It's so nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have the opportunity to talk about love for our parents. Many people are moved by the song Going Home Often when they hear it,including me.

As a high school student,I think we should respect our parents.(演讲主题)

As far as I am concerned,there are many different ways to express love to our parents. First,we should often help our parents to do as much housework as we can.Second,we have the duty to care for the condition of their life and health.Besides,it is important to remember their birthdays,and expressing our wishes to them is a good way to show our deep love.(具体内容)

No matter what we do,remember showing respect for our parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral values.(总结演讲)

Thanks for your attention/listening. That's all.







英语满分写作模板4 应用文——建议信



(1)My name is... Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. I shall be speaking about... 我是…… 今天我很高兴能有机会作这个演讲。我演讲的内容是……

(2)Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to share with you my opinions on... 大家上午好!我很荣幸能和你们分享一下关于……的我的看法。

(3)It's my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about...我很荣幸能在这里/能有机会谈论一下关于……

(4)The topic of my speech is ... 我演讲的主题是……

(5)I'll divide this topic into five main aspects. 我将分5个主要方面谈论这个主题。

(6)By way of conclusion, I'd like to quote what Newton once said. 我想借用牛顿曾经说过的话来结束我今天的发言。

(7)I would like to concentrate on the problem of... 我想把重点集中在……问题上。

(8)I hope I have made myself understood.我希望我说的大家都听明白了。

(9)That's all I want to say about this point. 关于这一点,我就讲这些。

(10)Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. 我从心底感谢你们今天给了我这个机会与你们讲话。



Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone,

It's so nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have the opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech on/about.../It's a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is ________./Today I will talk about ________. /It's nice to talk/speak about...(演讲主题) First of all, ________. Besides, ________. Last but not least, ________./To begin with, ________. Secondly, ________. What's more, ________. (具体内容)

As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, ________. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that ________. Thanks for your attention/listening.(总结演讲)


My dear fellows,

It's so nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have the opportunity to talk about love for our parents. Many people are moved by the song Going Home Often when they hear it,including me.

As a high school student,I think we should respect our parents.(演讲主题)

As far as I am concerned,there are many different ways to express love to our parents. First,we should often help our parents to do as much housework as we can.Second,we have the duty to care for the condition of their life and health.Besides,it is important to remember their birthdays,and expressing our wishes to them is a good way to show our deep love.(具体内容)

No matter what we do,remember showing respect for our parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral values.(总结演讲)

Thanks for your attention/listening. That's all.





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