

一、听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、A:rain B:train C:play

( )2、A:their B:theirs C:where

( )3、A:might B:Mike C:mine

( )4、A:watch B:watched C:washed

( )5、A:photo B:phone C:cold

( )6、A:15kg B:55kg C:13kg

( )7、A:feel B:sick C:see

( )8、A:sad B:cat C:bad

( )9、A: hand B:head C:finger

( )10、A:May 3rd B:June 2nd C:July 1st

二、 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“√” , 不相符的打“×”(每小题1分,共10分)

. 1.( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) ( )6、Jenny did her homework on Saturday .

( ) 7、Tom was very happy yesterday.

( ) 8、

I went to Xinjiang on my holiday.

( ) 9、I’m taller and stronger than Sue.

( ) 10、I feel sick. I have a headache.

三、 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其


( )1、A:I’m 30kg. B: I’m eleven . C: I’m 140cm.

( ) 2、 A: I’m sad B: I feel sick C: I have a cold

( ) 3、A: Yes , I do . B: No ,he doesn’t. C: No, she isn’t.

( ) 4、A: Yes, I like. B: She likes sports.

C: She is a teacher.

( )5、A: She’s angry. B: She’s listening to music.

C: She ‘s going to take a trip.


1、What’s the matter ? I have a 2、My sister is much than my

3、I like and 五、根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题

号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分

( ) 1、In the morning, Amy went to the museum by bike .

( ) 2、She had lunch with her aunt.

( ) 3、She went to school to play the piano.

( ) 4、She went back home at 5:00pm.

( ) 5、She went shopping with her mom by bus .





A:?You look tired.

B:Yes, I’m tired. I have a cold today.

A:B:Yes, I went to see the doctor. He told me to take some medicines.

A:We’re going to a park tomorrow. Are you going with me ? B:A:That’s fine.(那么好)


A:We’re going to climb mountains and have a picnic.

B:A:We are going there by bus.



1) My name is Peter. I’m 11 year old. I’m 140 cm. I like winter very

much, because I can make a snowman and play with the snow . It’s very

interesting . My friend Mike is 1 year younger than me, but he is 5cm

taller than me. He likes winter, too because he likes ice-skating. Next

winter holiday ,We’re going to Harbin to see the snow in north of China.

It would be very cold ,and play with snow every day!

( )1、Peter is 1 year than Mike. A. younger B.older

( )2、Peter’s favourite season is B. winter

( )3、Mike is A.135cm B. 145cm

( )4、Harbin is A. warm B. cold

( )5、Peter likes A. skiing….ice- skating B. snow…ice-skating

2) Aunt Amy’s birthday is coming. My parents take me to her home .We are

going there by train. We are leaving on Friday evening. And we are coming back

on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Sunday. I am going to give

my dear Aunt Amy a birthday card. I am making it now . I will draw nice

flowers and a small cat on it. Because Aunt Amy likes cats. The card will be

nice. Aunt Amy will like it very much.

( )1.We are going to aunt’s home by train.

( )2.We will have a two-day trip.

( )3.I am going to give my aunt a cat

( )4.Aunt Amy doesn’t like the card.

( )5. Aunt Amy lives with us.


There are two classmates in my class .They are Jim and

Candy .Jim He likes football and to music .He often English after class. Candy

from England .She’s pretty .She has long .She lives the school .She likes pictures, She wants to be an the

future. We like 九、根据答句问问题。(10分)

1. 1)

B: I went fishing last weekend!

2. A: Look at that boy._______________________? 2)

B: His face is red .I think he feels angry.

3. A: Hi, Mary. Y 3)

B: I have a toothache .


B: Yes, she ate good food yesterday .She likes them very

much .

5. B:I went to Xinjiang on my holiday.





一、听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、A:rain B:train C:play

( )2、A:their B:theirs C:where

( )3、A:might B:Mike C:mine

( )4、A:watch B:watched C:washed

( )5、A:photo B:phone C:cold

( )6、A:15kg B:55kg C:13kg

( )7、A:feel B:sick C:see

( )8、A:sad B:cat C:bad

( )9、A: hand B:head C:finger

( )10、A:May 3rd B:June 2nd C:July 1st

二、 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“√” , 不相符的打“×”(每小题1分,共10分)

. 1.( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) ( )6、Jenny did her homework on Saturday .

( ) 7、Tom was very happy yesterday.

( ) 8、

I went to Xinjiang on my holiday.

( ) 9、I’m taller and stronger than Sue.

( ) 10、I feel sick. I have a headache.

三、 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其


( )1、A:I’m 30kg. B: I’m eleven . C: I’m 140cm.

( ) 2、 A: I’m sad B: I feel sick C: I have a cold

( ) 3、A: Yes , I do . B: No ,he doesn’t. C: No, she isn’t.

( ) 4、A: Yes, I like. B: She likes sports.

C: She is a teacher.

( )5、A: She’s angry. B: She’s listening to music.

C: She ‘s going to take a trip.


1、What’s the matter ? I have a 2、My sister is much than my

3、I like and 五、根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题

号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分

( ) 1、In the morning, Amy went to the museum by bike .

( ) 2、She had lunch with her aunt.

( ) 3、She went to school to play the piano.

( ) 4、She went back home at 5:00pm.

( ) 5、She went shopping with her mom by bus .





A:?You look tired.

B:Yes, I’m tired. I have a cold today.

A:B:Yes, I went to see the doctor. He told me to take some medicines.

A:We’re going to a park tomorrow. Are you going with me ? B:A:That’s fine.(那么好)


A:We’re going to climb mountains and have a picnic.

B:A:We are going there by bus.



1) My name is Peter. I’m 11 year old. I’m 140 cm. I like winter very

much, because I can make a snowman and play with the snow . It’s very

interesting . My friend Mike is 1 year younger than me, but he is 5cm

taller than me. He likes winter, too because he likes ice-skating. Next

winter holiday ,We’re going to Harbin to see the snow in north of China.

It would be very cold ,and play with snow every day!

( )1、Peter is 1 year than Mike. A. younger B.older

( )2、Peter’s favourite season is B. winter

( )3、Mike is A.135cm B. 145cm

( )4、Harbin is A. warm B. cold

( )5、Peter likes A. skiing….ice- skating B. snow…ice-skating

2) Aunt Amy’s birthday is coming. My parents take me to her home .We are

going there by train. We are leaving on Friday evening. And we are coming back

on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Sunday. I am going to give

my dear Aunt Amy a birthday card. I am making it now . I will draw nice

flowers and a small cat on it. Because Aunt Amy likes cats. The card will be

nice. Aunt Amy will like it very much.

( )1.We are going to aunt’s home by train.

( )2.We will have a two-day trip.

( )3.I am going to give my aunt a cat

( )4.Aunt Amy doesn’t like the card.

( )5. Aunt Amy lives with us.


There are two classmates in my class .They are Jim and

Candy .Jim He likes football and to music .He often English after class. Candy

from England .She’s pretty .She has long .She lives the school .She likes pictures, She wants to be an the

future. We like 九、根据答句问问题。(10分)

1. 1)

B: I went fishing last weekend!

2. A: Look at that boy._______________________? 2)

B: His face is red .I think he feels angry.

3. A: Hi, Mary. Y 3)

B: I have a toothache .


B: Yes, she ate good food yesterday .She likes them very

much .

5. B:I went to Xinjiang on my holiday.






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