

  马斯科马(Mascoma)是美国一家纤维素乙醇生产领域的新秀。几周前,马斯科马在申请上市后,悄然偃旗息鼓,放弃公开募股。2011年,多家主要的生物燃料公司如Solazyme、 Gevo和Kior在首次公开募股后,盈利惨淡不堪。有前两年的颓势在前,马斯科马在公开募股上马失前蹄,也是意料之中。在这几家旗开不利的公司中,Gevo和Kior败得最惨,各损失了超过80%和近乎70%的总资产值。

  针对这类技术公司,Katie Fehrenbacher(GigaOM资深撰稿人及专栏编辑)分析了各种导致高风险的因素。Katie以Kior为样本,因为它代表了这类公司的典型:首次公开募股没有利润,加之短时间内可期利润微薄,直到企业开设资本密集型生产工厂,才可能有规模利润进账,而开工厂需要花费上千万美元。作为上市公司,Kior无疑带有巨大风险。






  Cleantech VC Wriggles To IPO

  Adam Lesser

  Cleantech VC is receding because of poor short-term performance � no surprise in a post-bubble field with outsized time and money requirements. The category is about to go on a walk in the woods, where innovators will blaze a new trail.

  A couple weeks back cellulosic ethanol hopeful Mascoma quietly pulled its IPO after it had filed to go public. It’s safe to say that the abysmal performance of the 2011 crop of biofuels IPOs, that included Solazyme, Gevo and Kior, did not help Mascoma’s chances of finding public money. Gevo’s been a particular stinker, losing over 80 percent of its value, though Kior is down almost 70 percent from its IPO pricing.

  Katie Fehrenbacher has analyzed the various issues related to high levels of risk and companies like Kior. With no revenue at IPO and no significant revenue on the horizon until the company built a capital intensive production facility costing tens of millions, Kior has carried a significant level of risk for a publicly traded company.

  I mention the high risk world of biofuel investing and the fact that these companies went to public markets seeking capital because two years after the 2011 class of biofuels IPOs, cleantech investors find themselves in challenges situations where it’s difficult get IPOs done. And without those investors having access to liquidity and returns, late stage companies are having harder times finding capital to push through the commercialization phase of growth.   The IPO market all but dried up with just three cleantech IPOs in 2012 and overall cleantech VC dropped by a third. IPOs are critical for venture investors to find liquidity and produce returns, as is significant M&A activity. But IPOs that significantly underperform the market make it harder for other companies in that sector to attract VC or to go public themselves.

  Of greatest concern is that as financing for cleantech gets tight, the brightest startups will struggle to find early stage capital and those companies nearing the path to commercialization will find it hard to find scaling capital. Many of these financing issues are cleantech specific.

  So what to do about the problem? I spoke recently with Mona Defrawi, the founder of Equidity, a startup that has built a platform to connect promising later stage startups with buy side investors. These are the investors who would typically buy IPOs, but who now are getting access to data on later stage startups so they can consider investing in growth companies a couple years pre-IPO at attractive valuations while giving up some liquidity by doing private deals.

  And if Equidity is one small step toward making it easier for cleantech companies to get later stage capital and attract investors that will stick with the company post-IPO, that could aid a recovery in the upstream venture capital that’s needed to finance the next generation of cleantech startups.


  马斯科马(Mascoma)是美国一家纤维素乙醇生产领域的新秀。几周前,马斯科马在申请上市后,悄然偃旗息鼓,放弃公开募股。2011年,多家主要的生物燃料公司如Solazyme、 Gevo和Kior在首次公开募股后,盈利惨淡不堪。有前两年的颓势在前,马斯科马在公开募股上马失前蹄,也是意料之中。在这几家旗开不利的公司中,Gevo和Kior败得最惨,各损失了超过80%和近乎70%的总资产值。

  针对这类技术公司,Katie Fehrenbacher(GigaOM资深撰稿人及专栏编辑)分析了各种导致高风险的因素。Katie以Kior为样本,因为它代表了这类公司的典型:首次公开募股没有利润,加之短时间内可期利润微薄,直到企业开设资本密集型生产工厂,才可能有规模利润进账,而开工厂需要花费上千万美元。作为上市公司,Kior无疑带有巨大风险。






  Cleantech VC Wriggles To IPO

  Adam Lesser

  Cleantech VC is receding because of poor short-term performance � no surprise in a post-bubble field with outsized time and money requirements. The category is about to go on a walk in the woods, where innovators will blaze a new trail.

  A couple weeks back cellulosic ethanol hopeful Mascoma quietly pulled its IPO after it had filed to go public. It’s safe to say that the abysmal performance of the 2011 crop of biofuels IPOs, that included Solazyme, Gevo and Kior, did not help Mascoma’s chances of finding public money. Gevo’s been a particular stinker, losing over 80 percent of its value, though Kior is down almost 70 percent from its IPO pricing.

  Katie Fehrenbacher has analyzed the various issues related to high levels of risk and companies like Kior. With no revenue at IPO and no significant revenue on the horizon until the company built a capital intensive production facility costing tens of millions, Kior has carried a significant level of risk for a publicly traded company.

  I mention the high risk world of biofuel investing and the fact that these companies went to public markets seeking capital because two years after the 2011 class of biofuels IPOs, cleantech investors find themselves in challenges situations where it’s difficult get IPOs done. And without those investors having access to liquidity and returns, late stage companies are having harder times finding capital to push through the commercialization phase of growth.   The IPO market all but dried up with just three cleantech IPOs in 2012 and overall cleantech VC dropped by a third. IPOs are critical for venture investors to find liquidity and produce returns, as is significant M&A activity. But IPOs that significantly underperform the market make it harder for other companies in that sector to attract VC or to go public themselves.

  Of greatest concern is that as financing for cleantech gets tight, the brightest startups will struggle to find early stage capital and those companies nearing the path to commercialization will find it hard to find scaling capital. Many of these financing issues are cleantech specific.

  So what to do about the problem? I spoke recently with Mona Defrawi, the founder of Equidity, a startup that has built a platform to connect promising later stage startups with buy side investors. These are the investors who would typically buy IPOs, but who now are getting access to data on later stage startups so they can consider investing in growth companies a couple years pre-IPO at attractive valuations while giving up some liquidity by doing private deals.

  And if Equidity is one small step toward making it easier for cleantech companies to get later stage capital and attract investors that will stick with the company post-IPO, that could aid a recovery in the upstream venture capital that’s needed to finance the next generation of cleantech startups.



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