
Dear Amily,

I am very happy to receive your letter. You said that you'll come to Xi'an and I wish that we can meet as soon as possible.

Xi'an was called Chang’an in the Han Dynasty and was one of the oldest cities in the world. It had a vivid and rich history and culture. It is said that Xin ’an is the ancient capitals of 13 dynasties. It is not only the birthplace of the Chinese Nation, but also the birthplace of human civilization in Asia and the cultural center of pre-historic civilization. Now, Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi Province and also the political, economic and cultural center of the Northwest China. Xi'an has a wealth of historical sites and relics to visit and it is a great place to learn Chinese history. Meanwhile, there are a lot of delicious food for you to have a try. You can’t miss it.

Tell me the date and time when you come to Xin’an and I'll pick you up. Please give me a call when you arrive. My cell phone No. is 13xxxxxxxx.

Looking forward to your arriving!

Sincerely yours XXX

Dear Amily,

I am very happy to receive your letter. You said that you'll come to Xi'an and I wish that we can meet as soon as possible.

Xi'an was called Chang’an in the Han Dynasty and was one of the oldest cities in the world. It had a vivid and rich history and culture. It is said that Xin ’an is the ancient capitals of 13 dynasties. It is not only the birthplace of the Chinese Nation, but also the birthplace of human civilization in Asia and the cultural center of pre-historic civilization. Now, Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi Province and also the political, economic and cultural center of the Northwest China. Xi'an has a wealth of historical sites and relics to visit and it is a great place to learn Chinese history. Meanwhile, there are a lot of delicious food for you to have a try. You can’t miss it.

Tell me the date and time when you come to Xin’an and I'll pick you up. Please give me a call when you arrive. My cell phone No. is 13xxxxxxxx.

Looking forward to your arriving!

Sincerely yours XXX



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