
Good afternoon, my name is Liang Gaozhen. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I hope I can make you a good impression today.

I am a sophomore(大二)student, from Mechanical & Electrical Engineering College. and My major is Mechanical engineering and automation.

I'm diligent and hardworking. In the past 2 years, I focused myself on study and have acquired basic knowledge of Mechanical field. Except from my major, I love English very much. Although most people think that English is boring and difficult to learn it well, I think It is interesting and always wander in the ocean of English. By now,I have passed CET4. Now, I am preparing for CET6. I am confident I can pass the CET6 this time and I believe I will learn English better and better in future.

In my spare time,I like doing some sports, such as, running, playing soccer and playing basketball.

Besides, I attend the association of student clubs in University and several other associations. During the process, I gain a lot of experience and make a great progress.

Thanks to my excellent comprehensive development, I ever got the

honor of “Merit Student “, the scholarship of our university twice and National Scholarship.

Thank you!

Good afternoon, my name is Liang Gaozhen. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I hope I can make you a good impression today.

I am a sophomore(大二)student, from Mechanical & Electrical Engineering College. and My major is Mechanical engineering and automation.

I'm diligent and hardworking. In the past 2 years, I focused myself on study and have acquired basic knowledge of Mechanical field. Except from my major, I love English very much. Although most people think that English is boring and difficult to learn it well, I think It is interesting and always wander in the ocean of English. By now,I have passed CET4. Now, I am preparing for CET6. I am confident I can pass the CET6 this time and I believe I will learn English better and better in future.

In my spare time,I like doing some sports, such as, running, playing soccer and playing basketball.

Besides, I attend the association of student clubs in University and several other associations. During the process, I gain a lot of experience and make a great progress.

Thanks to my excellent comprehensive development, I ever got the

honor of “Merit Student “, the scholarship of our university twice and National Scholarship.

Thank you!


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