

1、A region can be sub-national, part of a country or it can be supra-national, a combination of countries.

An example of the latter is when we talk about the region of South-East Asia. An example of the former is when we talk about the western provinces of China. 一个区域可分国家,即国家的一部分或是超国家、联合国。



2、For this course, we will be concerned with sub-national regions, i.e., parts of a country.

More particularly, we will be concerned with economic disparities between regions of a country.

对于这门课程,我们将关注的是民族地区,即一个国家的部分地区。 更特别的是,我们将关注一个国家地区之间的经济差距。

3、Regional disparities refer to the fact that when a country grows, not all parts of the country may grow equally. This means that, over time, a gap may open up between regions. This gap may be in income, employment, social development, or all of these.

Income disparities are what we will be mainly concerned with but usually, when a region lags behind in income, it will also lag in many, perhaps most, other areas as well.



4、Regional development refers to the economic development of a region. Our emphasis will be focused on less developed regions, or what sometimes are simply referred to as poor regions. And how they can be developed so that they catch up with the more developed or rich regions of a country.


5、In the most general sense, regional development is about facilitating/creating development in different parts of a country. But our concern will specifically focus on poor regions and how they can be made to “catch-up” to the national average in development. This means that we want to look at why differences exist in the first place and what can be done about it in the second place.



6、There is a difference between

∙ Asking how to encourage development in a region

∙ Asking how to make all regions equal in terms of development and

∙ Asking how to narrow the gap in income and other indicators between regions. 这里存在的区别有:




7、None of these will necessarily involve the same targets and/or programs for achieving those targets.

Another major question in this regard that needs to be addressed is whether a goal of at least narrowing the gap between regions, if not making them equal, requires government involvement.



8、But there is a significant difference between the case of regions within a country and whole countries and this has to do with the mobility of factors of production. 但是,一个国家和一个国家的地区之间的情况有显着差异,这与生产要素的流动性。 9、Advance the development of the western region and Bring about a coordinated development of regional economies. 积极推进西部大开发, 促进区域经济协调发展。

价值高估Overestimate the value 货币政策Monetary policy

投机过度Excessive speculation 扩大内需Expanding domestic demand 降低利率Lower interest rates 鼓励消费Encourage consumption 人力资源Human resources人力资本human capital

区域经济增长Regional economic growth

区域经济开发Regional economic development

要素禀赋理论factor endowment theory

华盛顿共识 Washington Consensus

隐性失业Recessive unemployment 出口替代Export substitution 逆城市化Counter urbanization 诺斯悖论 North Paradox 空间经济效应Spatial economic effect

区域经济增长Regional economic growth城乡边缘区Urban-rural fringe 集聚经济Agglomeration economies

农业可持续发展Agricultural sustainable development

区域开发(发展)regional development社会地理学Social geography 区域资源Regional resources 投资环境investment environment 制度创新Institutional Innovation

区域经济增长Regional economic growth

区域空间结构Regional spatial structure区位选择Location choice 新产业区New industrial zone区域贸易regional trade

区域冲突 Regional conflict区域重心Regional gravity


1、A region can be sub-national, part of a country or it can be supra-national, a combination of countries.

An example of the latter is when we talk about the region of South-East Asia. An example of the former is when we talk about the western provinces of China. 一个区域可分国家,即国家的一部分或是超国家、联合国。



2、For this course, we will be concerned with sub-national regions, i.e., parts of a country.

More particularly, we will be concerned with economic disparities between regions of a country.

对于这门课程,我们将关注的是民族地区,即一个国家的部分地区。 更特别的是,我们将关注一个国家地区之间的经济差距。

3、Regional disparities refer to the fact that when a country grows, not all parts of the country may grow equally. This means that, over time, a gap may open up between regions. This gap may be in income, employment, social development, or all of these.

Income disparities are what we will be mainly concerned with but usually, when a region lags behind in income, it will also lag in many, perhaps most, other areas as well.



4、Regional development refers to the economic development of a region. Our emphasis will be focused on less developed regions, or what sometimes are simply referred to as poor regions. And how they can be developed so that they catch up with the more developed or rich regions of a country.


5、In the most general sense, regional development is about facilitating/creating development in different parts of a country. But our concern will specifically focus on poor regions and how they can be made to “catch-up” to the national average in development. This means that we want to look at why differences exist in the first place and what can be done about it in the second place.



6、There is a difference between

∙ Asking how to encourage development in a region

∙ Asking how to make all regions equal in terms of development and

∙ Asking how to narrow the gap in income and other indicators between regions. 这里存在的区别有:




7、None of these will necessarily involve the same targets and/or programs for achieving those targets.

Another major question in this regard that needs to be addressed is whether a goal of at least narrowing the gap between regions, if not making them equal, requires government involvement.



8、But there is a significant difference between the case of regions within a country and whole countries and this has to do with the mobility of factors of production. 但是,一个国家和一个国家的地区之间的情况有显着差异,这与生产要素的流动性。 9、Advance the development of the western region and Bring about a coordinated development of regional economies. 积极推进西部大开发, 促进区域经济协调发展。

价值高估Overestimate the value 货币政策Monetary policy

投机过度Excessive speculation 扩大内需Expanding domestic demand 降低利率Lower interest rates 鼓励消费Encourage consumption 人力资源Human resources人力资本human capital

区域经济增长Regional economic growth

区域经济开发Regional economic development

要素禀赋理论factor endowment theory

华盛顿共识 Washington Consensus

隐性失业Recessive unemployment 出口替代Export substitution 逆城市化Counter urbanization 诺斯悖论 North Paradox 空间经济效应Spatial economic effect

区域经济增长Regional economic growth城乡边缘区Urban-rural fringe 集聚经济Agglomeration economies

农业可持续发展Agricultural sustainable development

区域开发(发展)regional development社会地理学Social geography 区域资源Regional resources 投资环境investment environment 制度创新Institutional Innovation

区域经济增长Regional economic growth

区域空间结构Regional spatial structure区位选择Location choice 新产业区New industrial zone区域贸易regional trade

区域冲突 Regional conflict区域重心Regional gravity



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