
Tips on how to communicate with foreign teachers

Are you used to spicy food here? 你习惯吃辣菜吗?

I am getting used to it. 我正在习惯。

Can you have spicy food? 你能吃辣菜吗?

A little spicy. 一点辣还可以。

Have you had breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/meal? 你吃饭了吗?

Not yet./ yes I have. 还没。吃了

I am full. 我吃饱了。

Would you like to have barbecue with me tonight? 今晚一起吃个烧烤怎么样? What time is convenient for you? 你什么时候方便了?

Where shall we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

At the gate. 校门口吧。

How many bottles of beer can you have? 这种啤酒你能喝多少?

Have you been to any other places in China? 你还去过中国的其他地方吗?

How do you communicate with others while on the street? 你在街上如何和其他人交流?

I am trying to learn Chinese. 我正在试图学中文。

What do you do when you are free? 你没事的时候都干什么?

Sometime I go to a pub for drinking with friends. 有时候我和朋友去酒吧喝酒。 Where / which country are you from? 你来自哪里?/哪个国家?

Do you miss your family? 你想你的家人吗?

I have been to Dongjiang Lake. 我去过东江湖。

What tourist attractions have you visited in Chenzhou? 你还去过郴州哪些些景点? What impressed you most here? 这里什么给你印象最深?

The weather here is really changeable. 这里的天气变化太快了。

What customs do you like best in China? 你喜欢中国的哪些习俗?

I like the Dragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and Tomb-Sweeping Festival. 我喜欢端午节,中秋节和清明节。

What tourist attractions are famous in your country? 你国家有哪些著名旅游景点?

Do you have a Chinese name? 你有中国名字吗?

What kind of girls do you like best? 你喜欢什么样的女孩?

I like traditional/open-minded/smart girls. 我喜欢传统,思想开放,聪明的女孩。 How long will you stay in china? 你打算在中国待多久?

My contract with xiangnan university lasts for one year, and I do not know whether I will renew it or not. 我和湘南学院的合同是一年到期。至于会不会续签我现在还不知道。

What was your major at university? 你在大学学什么专业?

I studied European history. 我学的是欧洲历史。

What, in your eyes, are the major differences between Chinese and foreign students? 你认为中国的大学生和国外的大学生有什么主要区别?

I think Chinese students are more hard-working. 我觉得中国学生更加刻苦。 Do you have to pay a fee for university education? 你们读大学要交学费吗?

Yes, we do. But we can apply for a loan from the government. 是的,要交。但是我们可以申请支付贷款。

Do you have a happy time teaching English here? 你在这里教书很快乐吗? I like to communicate with my students. 我喜欢和学生交流。

How do you think of the prices in Chenzhou? 你觉得郴州的物价怎样? I think the housing price is not affordable. 我觉得房价太高了。

When will you go back to your country? 你什么时候回国啊?

Probably next year, but it depends. 可能明年吧, 但还得看情况。

Do you like the pepper in Chenzhou? 你喜欢吃郴州的辣椒吗?

I beg you pardon. /I am sorry. /Could you repeat that. 对不起,我没有听懂。 What are your interests and hobbies? 你有些什么兴趣爱好?

How do you feel now? 你感觉如何?

Do you get many gifts/presents on your birthday? 你生日那天收到了很多礼物吗? Do you plan to find a Chinese wife? 你打算在中国找个老婆吗?

I think marriage means responsibility, so I will take it seriously.我觉得婚姻意味着责任,所以我会认真对待的。

Tips on how to communicate with foreign teachers

Are you used to spicy food here? 你习惯吃辣菜吗?

I am getting used to it. 我正在习惯。

Can you have spicy food? 你能吃辣菜吗?

A little spicy. 一点辣还可以。

Have you had breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/meal? 你吃饭了吗?

Not yet./ yes I have. 还没。吃了

I am full. 我吃饱了。

Would you like to have barbecue with me tonight? 今晚一起吃个烧烤怎么样? What time is convenient for you? 你什么时候方便了?

Where shall we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

At the gate. 校门口吧。

How many bottles of beer can you have? 这种啤酒你能喝多少?

Have you been to any other places in China? 你还去过中国的其他地方吗?

How do you communicate with others while on the street? 你在街上如何和其他人交流?

I am trying to learn Chinese. 我正在试图学中文。

What do you do when you are free? 你没事的时候都干什么?

Sometime I go to a pub for drinking with friends. 有时候我和朋友去酒吧喝酒。 Where / which country are you from? 你来自哪里?/哪个国家?

Do you miss your family? 你想你的家人吗?

I have been to Dongjiang Lake. 我去过东江湖。

What tourist attractions have you visited in Chenzhou? 你还去过郴州哪些些景点? What impressed you most here? 这里什么给你印象最深?

The weather here is really changeable. 这里的天气变化太快了。

What customs do you like best in China? 你喜欢中国的哪些习俗?

I like the Dragon-Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and Tomb-Sweeping Festival. 我喜欢端午节,中秋节和清明节。

What tourist attractions are famous in your country? 你国家有哪些著名旅游景点?

Do you have a Chinese name? 你有中国名字吗?

What kind of girls do you like best? 你喜欢什么样的女孩?

I like traditional/open-minded/smart girls. 我喜欢传统,思想开放,聪明的女孩。 How long will you stay in china? 你打算在中国待多久?

My contract with xiangnan university lasts for one year, and I do not know whether I will renew it or not. 我和湘南学院的合同是一年到期。至于会不会续签我现在还不知道。

What was your major at university? 你在大学学什么专业?

I studied European history. 我学的是欧洲历史。

What, in your eyes, are the major differences between Chinese and foreign students? 你认为中国的大学生和国外的大学生有什么主要区别?

I think Chinese students are more hard-working. 我觉得中国学生更加刻苦。 Do you have to pay a fee for university education? 你们读大学要交学费吗?

Yes, we do. But we can apply for a loan from the government. 是的,要交。但是我们可以申请支付贷款。

Do you have a happy time teaching English here? 你在这里教书很快乐吗? I like to communicate with my students. 我喜欢和学生交流。

How do you think of the prices in Chenzhou? 你觉得郴州的物价怎样? I think the housing price is not affordable. 我觉得房价太高了。

When will you go back to your country? 你什么时候回国啊?

Probably next year, but it depends. 可能明年吧, 但还得看情况。

Do you like the pepper in Chenzhou? 你喜欢吃郴州的辣椒吗?

I beg you pardon. /I am sorry. /Could you repeat that. 对不起,我没有听懂。 What are your interests and hobbies? 你有些什么兴趣爱好?

How do you feel now? 你感觉如何?

Do you get many gifts/presents on your birthday? 你生日那天收到了很多礼物吗? Do you plan to find a Chinese wife? 你打算在中国找个老婆吗?

I think marriage means responsibility, so I will take it seriously.我觉得婚姻意味着责任,所以我会认真对待的。



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