
One day, a little horse was asked to mill flour by mother ,He carried the two bags of wheat and left home . He was walking happily.

When he came to a river, the mill was on the other side of the river

and there was no bridges over the water. Now ,what would the little horse do looking at the flowing water, he got confused .

Then he saw an old cow eating grass on the bank . So he asked him : “ uncle cow , is the water deep ? And can I walk across it ? ” “ not at all ! ” the cow said . “It ’s just as high as my lower legs , you can go across it . It’s safe .” Then the little horse was ready to go across the water. Just then , a squirrel in the tree shouted to him : “Little

horse ,don’t go in the water .It’s too deep .You’ll get drawn ,and one of my friends got drawn in it a few days ago .” So the little horse drew back his legs quickly ,he had to go back to ask his mother what to do .

When his mother heard his story , she laughed and said to him :

“ My child ,it’s not enough if you only listen to the others .you must try it by yourself ,then you ‘ll find the truth . ”

The little horse came back to the river again .When he put his legs in the water again , the squirrel cried out again : “ Little horse ,it’s

dangerous , you can’t do that ! ” “Let me have try.” The horse said . And with those words he walked carefully across the river . The water was neither that shallow as the cow had told him nor that deep as the squirrel had described .It was just OK for him.

One day, a little horse was asked to mill flour by mother ,He carried the two bags of wheat and left home . He was walking happily.

When he came to a river, the mill was on the other side of the river

and there was no bridges over the water. Now ,what would the little horse do looking at the flowing water, he got confused .

Then he saw an old cow eating grass on the bank . So he asked him : “ uncle cow , is the water deep ? And can I walk across it ? ” “ not at all ! ” the cow said . “It ’s just as high as my lower legs , you can go across it . It’s safe .” Then the little horse was ready to go across the water. Just then , a squirrel in the tree shouted to him : “Little

horse ,don’t go in the water .It’s too deep .You’ll get drawn ,and one of my friends got drawn in it a few days ago .” So the little horse drew back his legs quickly ,he had to go back to ask his mother what to do .

When his mother heard his story , she laughed and said to him :

“ My child ,it’s not enough if you only listen to the others .you must try it by yourself ,then you ‘ll find the truth . ”

The little horse came back to the river again .When he put his legs in the water again , the squirrel cried out again : “ Little horse ,it’s

dangerous , you can’t do that ! ” “Let me have try.” The horse said . And with those words he walked carefully across the river . The water was neither that shallow as the cow had told him nor that deep as the squirrel had described .It was just OK for him.



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    The Little Horse and the River One day a little horse was asked to mill flour by his mother. He carried two bags of whea ...