

来源:Live Science

作者:Mindy Weisberger










主管发掘的IAA官员Annette Landes-Nagar在声明中说:“硬币的经历似乎是这样的:在一段危难时期,财物的主人将这些硬币放在一个布制钱包中,并将钱包藏在隐匿于墙壁中的壁龛里。”


发掘区域以及发现硬币的倒塌墙壁。(图片来源:Maxim Dinstein,由以色列文物管理局供图)



犹太区考古学家AmitShadman在声明中如是说,IAA及Netivei Israel(负责发展交通基础设施的国家公司)将合作保全并保护这座遗迹,准备将它打造成一座地标。


Bronze Coins Engraved with Byzantine Emperors Found in Israel

Phone 1: Nine bronze coins dating to the Byzantine period were found in the remains of a settlement near a highway to Jerusalem. Credit: YoliShwartz, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Photo 2: The excavation area and the collapsed wall where the coin hoard was found. Credit: Maxim Dinstein, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

About 1,400 years ago in Israel, a bag holding nine bronze coins was carefully hidden inside a niche in a building's wall. Untouched since then, the coin cache recently emerged during excavations for a highway expansion near EinHemed, a national park located about 4 miles (7 kilometers) west of Jerusalem.

The rare coins date to the Byzantine period, approximately the seventh century. Archaeologists discovered them inside a two-story building, near large stones that had collapsed.

The structure where the coins were found is part of a larger site that encompasses land on both sides of the highway. It likely represents property that was abandoned by the owners during a time of danger, possibly the Persian invasion in A.D. 614, which brought an end to Byzantine rule in the area, Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) representatives said in a statement describing the new discoveries.

'It seems that during a time of danger, the owner of the hoard placed the coins in a cloth purse that he concealed inside a hidden niche in the wall,' Annette Landes-Nagar, the IAA director of the excavation, said in the statement.

'He probably hoped to go back and collect it, but today we know that he was unable to do so,' Landes-Nagar said.

The coins are printed with the images of three Byzantine emperors: Justinian (A.D. 483 to 565), Maurice (A.D. 539 to 602) and Phocas (A.D. 547 to 610). The imperial figures are dressed for battle and carrying crosses, and the coins' denominations are printed on the reverse sides, along with the letter 'M,' according to IAA representatives.

About a year ago, excavations across the highway revealed the remains of a Byzantine church. Experts suspected that it was once a historic settlement called Einbikumakube, a word that echoes in the present name of a nearby Arab village, called BeitNaquba.

The IAA and Netivei Israel, the national company responsible for developing transportation infrastructure, will collaborate to conserve the site and protect it as a landmark, AmitShadman, the district archaeologist for Judah, said in the statement.



来源:Live Science

作者:Mindy Weisberger










主管发掘的IAA官员Annette Landes-Nagar在声明中说:“硬币的经历似乎是这样的:在一段危难时期,财物的主人将这些硬币放在一个布制钱包中,并将钱包藏在隐匿于墙壁中的壁龛里。”


发掘区域以及发现硬币的倒塌墙壁。(图片来源:Maxim Dinstein,由以色列文物管理局供图)



犹太区考古学家AmitShadman在声明中如是说,IAA及Netivei Israel(负责发展交通基础设施的国家公司)将合作保全并保护这座遗迹,准备将它打造成一座地标。


Bronze Coins Engraved with Byzantine Emperors Found in Israel

Phone 1: Nine bronze coins dating to the Byzantine period were found in the remains of a settlement near a highway to Jerusalem. Credit: YoliShwartz, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Photo 2: The excavation area and the collapsed wall where the coin hoard was found. Credit: Maxim Dinstein, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

About 1,400 years ago in Israel, a bag holding nine bronze coins was carefully hidden inside a niche in a building's wall. Untouched since then, the coin cache recently emerged during excavations for a highway expansion near EinHemed, a national park located about 4 miles (7 kilometers) west of Jerusalem.

The rare coins date to the Byzantine period, approximately the seventh century. Archaeologists discovered them inside a two-story building, near large stones that had collapsed.

The structure where the coins were found is part of a larger site that encompasses land on both sides of the highway. It likely represents property that was abandoned by the owners during a time of danger, possibly the Persian invasion in A.D. 614, which brought an end to Byzantine rule in the area, Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) representatives said in a statement describing the new discoveries.

'It seems that during a time of danger, the owner of the hoard placed the coins in a cloth purse that he concealed inside a hidden niche in the wall,' Annette Landes-Nagar, the IAA director of the excavation, said in the statement.

'He probably hoped to go back and collect it, but today we know that he was unable to do so,' Landes-Nagar said.

The coins are printed with the images of three Byzantine emperors: Justinian (A.D. 483 to 565), Maurice (A.D. 539 to 602) and Phocas (A.D. 547 to 610). The imperial figures are dressed for battle and carrying crosses, and the coins' denominations are printed on the reverse sides, along with the letter 'M,' according to IAA representatives.

About a year ago, excavations across the highway revealed the remains of a Byzantine church. Experts suspected that it was once a historic settlement called Einbikumakube, a word that echoes in the present name of a nearby Arab village, called BeitNaquba.

The IAA and Netivei Israel, the national company responsible for developing transportation infrastructure, will collaborate to conserve the site and protect it as a landmark, AmitShadman, the district archaeologist for Judah, said in the statement.




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