

Example 1

In paragraph 6, the author mentions the high cost and the technology barrier in using the Internet. However, the fact is that infrastructure of information transmission are nowadays much more advanced than years before. For most families the cost of Internet access is not a burden any more. We can use it when we are at home, in the office, or in any public places with WIFI service. Electronic products have been much more user-friendly, which enables us to use them every day and get connected with others just by moving our fingers on the mobile screen. In this sense, operational skill no longer constitutes a barrier that obstructs people to use Web to get information. In fact, navigating the Web is now a fundamental skill which each of us should master in the information blooming era.

Example 2

As the author puts in paragraph 5 and 6, information searching sometimes can be time consuming and not everyone has the ability to explore the Web in depth.First, I admit that for a freshmanit may costlots of time in search of information online. However, computer learning is, initself,part of

education. No one is born with the talent to use computer. As a student becomes more and more familiar with the searching process, finding relevant and reliable information will be easier and quicker as a result of skillful operation and useful preference accumulated through experiences. Second, it is the human, not the computer, that limits the depth of exploration. The computer provides all students with equal access to the Web. Nonetheless, the extent to which the computer is made use of depends on the varying levels of abilities of different students.


Example 1

In paragraph 6, the author mentions the high cost and the technology barrier in using the Internet. However, the fact is that infrastructure of information transmission are nowadays much more advanced than years before. For most families the cost of Internet access is not a burden any more. We can use it when we are at home, in the office, or in any public places with WIFI service. Electronic products have been much more user-friendly, which enables us to use them every day and get connected with others just by moving our fingers on the mobile screen. In this sense, operational skill no longer constitutes a barrier that obstructs people to use Web to get information. In fact, navigating the Web is now a fundamental skill which each of us should master in the information blooming era.

Example 2

As the author puts in paragraph 5 and 6, information searching sometimes can be time consuming and not everyone has the ability to explore the Web in depth.First, I admit that for a freshmanit may costlots of time in search of information online. However, computer learning is, initself,part of

education. No one is born with the talent to use computer. As a student becomes more and more familiar with the searching process, finding relevant and reliable information will be easier and quicker as a result of skillful operation and useful preference accumulated through experiences. Second, it is the human, not the computer, that limits the depth of exploration. The computer provides all students with equal access to the Web. Nonetheless, the extent to which the computer is made use of depends on the varying levels of abilities of different students.



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