
马年到!现在来跟大家分享与horse 有关的英文五行打油诗。这种打油诗叫做limerick ,通常只有五行,严格按照AABBA 的格式进行押韵,诗句并不会表达太多实质性内容,多为轻松搞笑而作。下面这三首诗,我们一起来欣赏一下吧。

Ed By Ashley Mailloux

There once was a horse named Ed,

Who always ate something red.

He didn't mind

To be treated unkind.

As long as he was fed.

Chubby by Annamaria Tadlock

There once was a pony so fat,

He couldn't walk so he sat,

He tried walking one day,

Fell face-flat in the hay

and decided to stay where he's at.

Mary By Barto Pa

There once was a young horse named Mary

This Mary was rather quite hairy She blow-dried her hair And now she's quite bare Now she has less hair to carry!


马年到!现在来跟大家分享与horse 有关的英文五行打油诗。这种打油诗叫做limerick ,通常只有五行,严格按照AABBA 的格式进行押韵,诗句并不会表达太多实质性内容,多为轻松搞笑而作。下面这三首诗,我们一起来欣赏一下吧。

Ed By Ashley Mailloux

There once was a horse named Ed,

Who always ate something red.

He didn't mind

To be treated unkind.

As long as he was fed.

Chubby by Annamaria Tadlock

There once was a pony so fat,

He couldn't walk so he sat,

He tried walking one day,

Fell face-flat in the hay

and decided to stay where he's at.

Mary By Barto Pa

There once was a young horse named Mary

This Mary was rather quite hairy She blow-dried her hair And now she's quite bare Now she has less hair to carry!




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