
中国文化的普世价值(中英文对照)(2010-01-06 10:01:05)转载▼标签: 一般资料校园


Universal value refers to human values and concepts identified any civilized society those with no geographical, beyond religion, nation, ethnic, like freedom, democracy and human rights of Western society. Cultural differences caused divide, misunderstanding, or even distort of Chinese culture. Similarly, many aspects of Chinese culture also reflect universal values.


A strong ecological consciousness. Chinese traditional philosophy is "life" philosophy. This has a clear performance in the "Zhou Yi". Life, is to grow vegetation, is to create life. Heavens and the earth contain a lively life and vitality that are most worth viewing. People in this appreciation, experience realm of man and nature, thus, gain greatly the spirit of joy. This is beauty of "man and nature together", is "ecological beauty."


An openness and inclusiveness. Chinese have always regarded people from far as respectable friends, sincerely believe that there must be worthy of learning from them. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, were foreign religions, and accommodated by Chinese cultures. Furthermore, Chinese take the initiative to go out to learn and absorb in cultural heterogeneity of different regions and different ethnic. Xuan Zang and Yi Jing masters had been to learn from India, which was shining example. It is undeniable that Chinese culture is conservative, which is a certain relationship between the geographical environment. This closure was apparent in the Qing dynasty.


A strong peace consciousness. "The Art of War" is the maximum classic in China Military Science. This classic is a major characteristic that it has always been taught people to battle-hardened, but at the same time has emphasized the seriousness and the brutality of war to warn "cautious war" in power, military forces.


The world-famous Great Wall is symbol of China's traditional cultural peace awareness. Why should the Chinese people build the Great Wall? The Great Wall is built under Chinese desire for peace. The Great Wall, thousands of miles, contains a peaceful life of desire in this East nation.

中国文化的普世价值(中英文对照)(2010-01-06 10:01:05)转载▼标签: 一般资料校园


Universal value refers to human values and concepts identified any civilized society those with no geographical, beyond religion, nation, ethnic, like freedom, democracy and human rights of Western society. Cultural differences caused divide, misunderstanding, or even distort of Chinese culture. Similarly, many aspects of Chinese culture also reflect universal values.


A strong ecological consciousness. Chinese traditional philosophy is "life" philosophy. This has a clear performance in the "Zhou Yi". Life, is to grow vegetation, is to create life. Heavens and the earth contain a lively life and vitality that are most worth viewing. People in this appreciation, experience realm of man and nature, thus, gain greatly the spirit of joy. This is beauty of "man and nature together", is "ecological beauty."


An openness and inclusiveness. Chinese have always regarded people from far as respectable friends, sincerely believe that there must be worthy of learning from them. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, were foreign religions, and accommodated by Chinese cultures. Furthermore, Chinese take the initiative to go out to learn and absorb in cultural heterogeneity of different regions and different ethnic. Xuan Zang and Yi Jing masters had been to learn from India, which was shining example. It is undeniable that Chinese culture is conservative, which is a certain relationship between the geographical environment. This closure was apparent in the Qing dynasty.


A strong peace consciousness. "The Art of War" is the maximum classic in China Military Science. This classic is a major characteristic that it has always been taught people to battle-hardened, but at the same time has emphasized the seriousness and the brutality of war to warn "cautious war" in power, military forces.


The world-famous Great Wall is symbol of China's traditional cultural peace awareness. Why should the Chinese people build the Great Wall? The Great Wall is built under Chinese desire for peace. The Great Wall, thousands of miles, contains a peaceful life of desire in this East nation.



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